Re: Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Rashakil Fol Gates would have some assistant do the search for him, and Yang would already know the answer. Gates Kicks Off Tech-Ed By Saying Good-Bye Community Center by EddieC …URL=]Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation[/URL], which gives away huge sums of …help improve global healthcare and development. In typical Gates fashion, he spoke of the future direction of….com/] Professional Developers Conference [/URL]in October. Gates also spoke of services, namely the types of hosted… Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ! ! when Bill Gates or Jerry Yang and their workers are alone and are doing some [color=navy]SERIOUS[/color] searching - for all their bragging and hoopala - [b]BET THEY USE GOOGLE TOO !:lol: [/b] [i][b]WHA'DOYOUTHINK[/b][/i] Re: Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Which goes to show that Gates is a lot more pragmatic than many people give him credit for :mrgreen: :cheesy: :lol: Gates Hardware and Software Networking by holmes008 How to build Gates in computer and what is the basic requirement for this.. Gates new company....BGC3 Community Center Geeks' Lounge by itdupuis What is the deal on this new company? Can anyone shed some light? I highly doubt that it is simply a 'holding company'.... that seems too boring and generic for the likes of Gates...Any takers? Re: Gates new company....BGC3 Community Center Geeks' Lounge by HiHe [QUOTE=itdupuis;720330]What is the deal on this new company? Can anyone shed some light? I highly doubt that it is simply a 'holding company'.... that seems too boring and generic for the likes of Gates...Any takers?[/QUOTE]All I get is an ad from SAP! Could you write the url out? Bill Gates Tells the Secret of His Success Community Center Say Hello! by anandrahi …media NDTV Profit arranged a talk show with Bill Gates and the most successful business executive of Asia Narayana…. When a businessman from the audience asked Bill Gates the secret of success the great tycoon presented a…it more and more. 2. MAKE YOURSELF INTELLIGENT Bill Gates told that success also depends on your intelligence. Different… Bill Gates and Seinfield a new comedy or a microsoft goof up? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tiger86 …watch?v=9Ulz7h3O3pk"]90 second commercial[/URL] with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfield which I found funny but had nothing… computers at all. I started thinking "Does Bill Gates want to get into comedy?" now at first that…after a few minutes the idea made perfect sense. Bill Gates is retired but he still has some power at Microsoft… Is Bill Gates predicting the past? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy …Virginia Technology Council this week, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates made the distinctly predictable prediction that during the next…during the previous decade. Amongst the advances that Gates suggests are likely to be of most importance …retreat further back in the time-warp, as Gates moved on to interactive television telling the enthralled … Go Figure: Zuckerberg most hated man in IT history, Bill Gates most loved... Hardware and Software by happygeek …rather surprisingly, Steve Jobs is just as hated as Bill Gates and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is more hated than both…the traditional computer world hate figure of Microsoft founder Bill Gates to come joint second on the list. Just behind them…played a big part in the positioning of Jobs and Gates. But why would the founder of eBay make the … Objects and logic gates Programming Software Development by MrBones …a few problems. A variable called gatespresent knows how many gates have been placed in the form. Each instance of a… called gatesout[5], where the index order in which the gates were placed. ie first objects = gatesout[0], etc. But …has the standard methods of an object, not my logic gates. Basically, I want some way of looking at the object… Bill Gates And Jerry Seinfield Microsoft commercial part 2 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tiger86 …help save Microsofts Reputation. The Debut of Jerry and Bill Gates first Commercial didn't make any sense that Microsoft had…com/watch?v=afR5J7eskno"]Part 2 of the Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfield commercial[/URL] it is starting to … to get to know normal people better. Putting Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfield in a suburb home and living with… Microsoft Pulls Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfield Commercials; Microsoft Starts A New Line Of Funny Ads! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tiger86 …quot;"] Gates and Seinfield commercials[/URL]; hoping that the 3rd …-and-bill-g_n_127384.html"]Microsoft pulled The Bill gates and Seinfield Commercials[/URL]. Microsoft created a [URL… life jobs, situations, things as simple as Bill Gates wearing glasses and an ordinary person wearing glasses. What… Re: Go Figure: Zuckerberg most hated man in IT history, Bill Gates most loved... Hardware and Software by jwenting … at the same time. So they claim to hate Bill Gates and Steve Jobs while actually admiring them for what they… have achieved. Without Gates the computer would likely not have become commoditised to the… Poor Bill Gates Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy … swathe of his own fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation charity. His $62 billion is really rather impressive, as… least he can now claim to being richer than Bill Gates and those are words that just a few years ago… heard to utter. Let’s not feel too sorry for Gates though, his $58 billion ensures that he won’t be… Logic gates Programming Software Development by simagen Hi, can anyone tell me how the below three logic gates work: AND Gate NOT Gate OR Gate Basically all I …need to know is, if the logic gates is an AND gate: when provided with inputs A and… trying to look online for help and tutorials on logic gates etc.. but if anyone has any information to help me… Re: Requesting picture; Bill gates money compared to other celebs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pseudorandom21 … in an LA traffic jam Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers…significant difference between being richer than god (gates) and a pro. athlete. Gates funds exhibit A: [url]http://www.…[/url] Gates funds exhibit B: [url]… Re: The Bill Gates Legacy: software business genius or philanthropic saint? Community Center by 'Stein Heck, even though many people hate Gates 'cause of Microsoft's problems, you have to ask yourself …something. Where the heck would we be if Gates wasn't here? And plus, the philantropy (sp?) of his… it. If his third world plans come to fruition, then Gates will deserve to go down in the history books as… Bill Gates puzzle Programming Software Development by Evenbit … assembler guru's and anyone who needs a diversion. Bill Gates has spent the last year working on a virus to… Bill generate -4 in two bytes of code? Warning, Bill Gates is devious, cunning, and so is the solution. If anyone… Re: Bill Gates today Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jonsca [sarcasm] No he and his wife don't get out much. [/sarcasm] [url][/url] and from Wikipedia: "The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF or the Gates Foundation) is the largest transparently operated[5] private foundation in the world, founded by Bill and Melinda Gates." Re: Logic gates Programming Software Development by james6754 Think this should be in the Computer Science section.... Logic gates are used inside a computer to give different outputs when … Re: Requesting picture; Bill gates money compared to other celebs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sergent [QUOTE]Bill Gates money: school computers in African bush villages without electricity …Ferrari stuck in an LA traffic jam Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers and…all on expensive toys for himself...[/QUOTE] I would prefer Gates spending money on computer/engineering research, then donating money to… Re: The Bill Gates Legacy: software business genius or philanthropic saint? Community Center by Chaky Open minded? Bill Gates? For all I see, he is one greedy tight-ass … billion is more than enough for next 50 generations of Gates family tree. That is the amount that he is "… Re: Bill gates should die Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack … do now is stick my laptop so far up Bill Gates arse it could poke out his nose! I am thankful… a piece of s--t hp laptop, its not bill gates fault !!! did you format the hdd ,to try and reload… Re: Microsoft and bill gates Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting it is. The Gates Foundation is one of the, if not the, largest charitable …'s all founded by the income generated by Microsoft, income Gates spends on his foundation rather than personal luxury (of which… Re: has bill gates cured disease Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cwarn23 … have managed to find an old news artical which bill gates based his research on. [URL="… published in 2009 and contains the same concepts that bill gates followed through to get the final result. If you want… Re: Requesting picture; Bill gates money compared to other celebs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Bill Gates money: school computers in African bush villages without electricity Michael Jordan money: 200mph capable Ferrari stuck in an LA traffic jam Both actual, Bill Gates donates a lot of money to organisations buying computers and medical supplies for developing countries, Jordan spends it all on expensive toys for himself... Re: Requesting picture; Bill gates money compared to other celebs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting I don't know how much money Mr. Gates has, Mr. Jordan, or God, so can't draw that comparison :) I do know Mr. Gates, though living comfortably, doesn't live "the high life" like Mr. Jordan is want to do. Re: Requesting picture; Bill gates money compared to other celebs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cwarn23 [QUOTE=Nick Evan;1693880]Bill Gates money: [attach]22940[/attach] Michael Jordan: [attach]22938[/attach] I don't see any resemblance.[/QUOTE] I see some resemblance there. Make Michael Jordan white than add some glasses on his face and you got yourself a very fit Bill Gates.