Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … the reader both the depth of the blogger's knowledge as well as the blogger's vocabulary. But as to imparting knowledge… Re: Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I can write much better than I speak. I tend to get flustered and lose my words easily when speaking, primarily due to increased brain fog. Writing comes much more naturally to me, as I was often sick as a child, and therefore primarily self-taught from textbooks. By my early teens (mid-1990s), I was running an online AOL community for homeschooled… Re: Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >I can write much better than I speak. As do I. Plus when I write I can edit and organize during and after the fact. I find it difficult these days to speak a complete thought without someone interrupting. By the way, repetition can be an effective tool when trying to make a point. But like salt, a pinch is sufficient. Blogger Community Center Meta DaniWeb by mikeandike22 Im setting up a blogger account for my blog. Now im not gonna stop writing … settuping up sortof a mirror site to this blog on blogger. All the stories will link back to the stories here… Blogger.NET Programming Software Development by Tekmaven … be uncharted territory for me - open source. I call it Blogger.NET, it posts to peoples blogs. Written in C#, compilied…;http://tekmavengallery.bink.nu/albumListing.aspx?albumID=6&albumName=Blogger.NET"]http://tekmavengallery.bink.nu/albumListing.aspx?albumID=6… Blogger Scripts? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by linux I can't find the answer ANYWHERE on the Blogger help page, so if anyone has any experience with Blogger here, you can help me! Are you allowed to use full Javascript on Blogger blogs? Like to move and remove items on the page? Re: Blogger Scripts? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by John A > Are you allowed to use full Javascript on Blogger blogs? Sort of. [URL]http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/10/blog-hacks-add-javacript-code-in.html[/URL] I believe things might have changed with Blogger 2, however. Let me know if it works. Blogger Template design small glitch in layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by mr_vampire I was designing a Blogger template . The demo looks fine. But as you can see in the image given below the [B]Edit Layout[/B] section of Blogger Dashboard shows the misaligned search form. Can any one please figure it out ?? [URL=http://www.picsmob.com/][IMG]http://www.picsmob.com/images/p7se7mubmajvazvyuy2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Thanks. Blogger SEO services Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by best4earn 1 . Is sitemap is necessor for blogger while i am sharing my every new blog post to social media such as google plus , facebook and twitter ? Posibles ways to increas trafic to my blog ? 2 . How can i get top ranking on keywords bases Seo in blogger ? 3 . Is .blogspot & free templates sharing our adsense earning ? Re: Blogger SEO services Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by LastMitch **@best4earn** >1 . Is sitemap is necessor for blogger while i am sharing my every new blog post to … can i get top ranking on keywords bases Seo in blogger ? That is alot of work. >3 . Is .blogspot &… Blogger Blogspot help? Programming Web Development by goodtaste …! I'm not a web developer, but I'm a blogger and I would like some tips on how to create… error message or to do something about this message feom Blogger: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this… Blogger-not accepting HTML Digital Media UI / UX Design by Ennbay My blog on Blogger is [url]http://ennbaystestblog.blogspot.com/[/url]. My HTML isn'… Re: Blogger-not accepting HTML Digital Media UI / UX Design by Jenniferlinn On blogger, there is a option of add widgets, just click on it and then there will be a option of adding HTML/Javascript code, just click on it and then type your code there, upload it and your code result will be visible on your blog, hope my information will help you. Blogger uses SEO to get vacation refund Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek …="http://www.webuser.co.uk/news/top-stories/397284/blogger-gets-refund-after-topping-google-search"]says[/URL] "… Blogger subdomain chance to get higher in Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by stefanruse Hi everybody, I want to ask you do I have any chance to rank higher in Google if I use Blogger subdomain.I will do all the SEO I am capable to do,but I wonder what will be my performing.I know that having your own domain is the best way,but what about subdomains. Thank you in advance and wish you all the best. Blogger and eCommerce Digital Media Digital Marketing by goodtaste Hi Everyone! I have several blogger blogs. One in particular is getting a good amount of … Blogger feed not showing correctly Programming Web Development by CriticalError I got this code to show my blogger feed: <legend><h3>Blog Feed</… Blogger Seo Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by best4earn I want to increase my blog trafic which is on blogger . 20 days ago i submited my site map to google and bing & all my pages indexd succesfuly but the problem is that its not showing in search engine while i type my full blog address Blogger SEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by best4earn Can anybody share with me a best tutorial for blogger seo by using i increas my blog trafic & which is not effecting on my adsense account Re: Blogger Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM You mentioned Google Blog.. you mean "Blogger" from Google? If so, take a look at Google's [Blogger Getting Started Guide](https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/1623800?hl=en) Re: Which is better - Blogger or Wordpress(.com) ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by savis1 Blogger is simple but Wordpress is functional. I have several blogs in blogger but I love my friend’s wordpress blog for the appearance to functionality. He gets excellent traffic than mine despite me having quality content. Re: Which is better - Blogger or Wordpress(.com) ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by TeamHC Blogger for sure is the better. Re: blogger - show description as well as meta tag description Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by batool_1 Google has no problem indexing Blogger posts. I have a blog with Blogger, and I have blog posts that rank very well in their keywords The problem with your blog is the quality of content. Re: blogger - show description as well as meta tag description Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by DavidB … not clear what is happening. I have a blog on Blogger (see my Profile) and it displays the Description as expected… Re: blogger - show description as well as meta tag description Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by CoolAtt thanks all for the replies. i played with blogger settings for around 4 hours & got an acceptable solution. … A Neophyte Blogger Community Center Say Hello! by zoenhim …a tool for my journey to be a successful blogger someday. Hope everyone in here will continually share…include step by step process to become a successful blogger from scratch to an excellent publisher. 2) …Essentials websites to use in creating blogger account. To get into adsense (or other alternatives), … Google Base Data API good news for Blogger bloggers Programming Software Development by happygeek … easily pleased, is the fact that this means that Blogger now has a GData API as well, allowing client …very useful [URL="http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/blogger.html"]official document[/URL] that not only is …API works with both the current and Beta versions of Blogger, meaning a seamless transition for any client application should … Re: Which is better - Blogger or Wordpress(.com) ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol I don't think you can really compare them properly. Blogger is for the masses, no real technical knowledge required. Wordpress … set up, but gets a bit trickier with admin tasks. Blogger is easy because it's hosted for free, so all… to worry about them. I've got a couple of Blogger blogs and have set up a few WP 'sites'. I… Re: How do I get traffic on Wordpress and Blogger Digital Media Digital Marketing by EmilyJohnson …. So, How do I get traffic on Wordpress and Blogger without creating links on articles you posted there? Thanks.[/QUOTE… question you had created your blogs on wordpress & blogger and posted some of links in your post. After some…First of all you have to do some favor for blogger or wordpress means you should post some interesting matters so… Modifying blogger template error Programming Web Development by ismk hi there, when i was try to remove following code from my blogger template, error massage will occur from blogger(unable to save changes), so can you me help me to remove following code from my blogger template <b:widget id='HTML101' locked='false' title='Featured Posts' type='HTML'/>