15,547 Topics

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Member Avatar for ryan461

I've got this exercise from a book that wants me to program two rolling dice, add the value of the dice to together and basically track each time a number is rolled. So ive got an array with 11 spots for the numbers 2 - 12. Whats not working in …

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Member Avatar for mick3339

I am trying to implement an expert system in C. I have written each rule in the expert system as a function. However, I want my system to be more flexible and can process these rules from an external file specified at run time rather than hard-coded. This will provide …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for tskellyfla

Hello again, YOu guys have been such a big help in helping me understand what I'm doing wrong in my programs I'm hoping that I can get help again. I am currently writing a code in C. I'm supposed to be writing a code that has the Fibonacci Series up …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for urbangeek

hi guys, can't understand why the answer of the following program is 7? Please explain.. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #define SQ(x) x*x int main() { int a,b; a=5; b=-SQ(a+2); printf("%d",b); return 0; } [/CODE] thank you..

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Member Avatar for rohit83.ken
Member Avatar for Alfarata

I need to read in a csv file created by MSExcel into an array. The file contains 750 rows of 5 sets of numbers some int. some float. the format looks like this: 301,36,0.285,2.88,15.000 302,88,0.247,2.88,75.500 How do I read this data in a 'C' program without the commas, and then …

Member Avatar for sinju
Member Avatar for Ferny84

I am stuck on this program that I am supposed to create. It has to ask the user for a text file where the format looks like: MATH 101 GEOLOGY 101 GYM 101 Then i'm supposed to store the information from the file in an array which then gets pointed …

Member Avatar for Ferny84
Member Avatar for johndoe444

I have say a loop. At the beginning of the loop I want to fill a very large array which is an array of structures. Is there way like memcpy to fill the array without going through for loop. I figure using memcpy instead of for loop would be a …

Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for Fasola

First how do you use Dynamic and Static Memory Allocation? and why is supposed to be so popular in use?

Member Avatar for umair100
Member Avatar for atman

Hello, I have a a problem copying individual words inside 2D array. Array is dynamically created and initializes perfectly, but as soon as i call my function, and if i have 2 or more spaces between the words, its copying the spaces inside the next index element of the array. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mjoshi

I have a code which throws "segmentation fault" after some computation. I was looking for some help with efficient memory management. My program does the following: I have a grid with min. i,j,k coordinates -52, -34, -35 and max. i,j,k coordinates 53, 37, 33. (In i, j, k loop). I …

Member Avatar for arld101
Member Avatar for danarmstrong

I have a servlet written in Java and I am attempting to send data to the method using C and the WinSock2 API. When I attempt to just send the raw data I get an invalid stream header error. I am not sure how I should go about handling this …

Member Avatar for niyujin
Member Avatar for bobyx

Hello,everybody.Would you please describe me about the differences between the(|=) ,(^= ) operators?Is it possible to use(&=)instead of the above two assignments and how? Thanks,[code]Assignment,compound operators;[ |=,^= and &=][/code]

Member Avatar for bobyx
Member Avatar for Bluefox815

I was writing a program and wanted to write a struct that's used to match an input string and print a corresponding output. However, I ran into a very unexpected problem. This code gave me the compile error below. [code] #ifndef MATCH_H #define MATCH_H #define TOTAL_WORD_PAIRS 2 typedef struct { …

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Member Avatar for cokaznsyco72

Does anyone know how to do file input and output with spreadsheets? Specifically I'm going to be using the open office spreadsheet. thanks

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Member Avatar for eslmz

I use a non english keyboard and i'm writing a console program. When i want to check a non english character with using getch, it returns wrong ASCII values(it gives the same number for different characters). But when i try to use getchar, it returns the true ASCII numbers. But …

Member Avatar for tennis
Member Avatar for HappyTron

Hello Guys, I am trying to read lines from .xml file using a C program. Basically what program does is read the date, and if the current system date is in the range of the date range given, it fetches some data from the next lines in the date. However,my …

Member Avatar for Bluefox815
Member Avatar for mcodesmart

Hello, Please see the code below. it combines 2 strings into one. [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char a[10], b[10], *p = NULL, *combine(char *s, char *t); strcpy(a, "horse"); strcpy(b, "fly"); p = combine(a,b); printf("%s\n",a); printf("%s\n",b); printf("%s",p); } char *combine(char *s, char *t) { int x,y; char r[50]; …

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Member Avatar for icewolf

Hello. I'm trying to find out how to make it so only certain applications I have given authorisation to can use a C DLL I have created so that when I release it with a .Net application it cannot be used by others. I found out how to check what …

Member Avatar for Bluefox815
Member Avatar for Anex

I am facing some problems trying to understand the difference in handling strings when they are declared as a char array and when they are declared with a pointer pointing to them. In the following code snippets, I have a few doubts. 1.While code 1 works correctly, code 2 crashes …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amen

how to check there exist number in string using isalpha.if number exist, display "only alphabetic,please input again" example : user input = i had to 2 number

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

When I run my code, I get "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'string' was corrupted." I have looked everywhere in my code for a source of this error, and I can't find one, I've also looked where a buffer overrun could occur. The variable string is …

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Member Avatar for FierceLeming

Alright, the issue I'm having is figuring out whether or not I'm causing memory leaks. I'm considering three situations which might or might not be the same: 1) If I declare a variable in a block of code as a character array, I'm making a pointer to it. But when …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hello, I am saving my data in a text file. I can successfully access my file and add records in it and even search it. but when it comes to del a record i dont know how to do it. Can some one please advice. Regards, Vishal

Member Avatar for 1988Rhythm
Member Avatar for ramy89

Hello to everyone,I'm using a Borland BCC55 compiler to describe the logarithm function. It works fine,but only with numbers higher than 1,if I insert any floating point the result stucks on -46,whatacer number <1 I write. Here is the function,I made it myself (on a text host): [url]http://freetexthost.com/kv0rdi4gno[/url] Of course …

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Member Avatar for fussballer

Hi, I am working on a project, I need to control a CD Drive via the IDE/ATA Interface using a C/C++ program. My goal is to control the Speed of the Drive, and hopefully the radial position of the optical pickup head. I am still fairly new to this field, …

Member Avatar for rajeevpareek
Member Avatar for 234pramod

Hi, I am trying to send data over wifi using socket. I am working Ubuntu. The data to be sent is received from a device over serial port. I want to create a virtual serial port which will read data from a file and present it in way serial port …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for hasbeenbad

Hail! Wise and Glorious Gods of C Coding. I have written a little function to search an array and it is cousing the program to hang after I enter the search criteria,It should should the array for a match and then return the whole string it was found in. There …

Member Avatar for Greg8202
Member Avatar for newbiecoder

Hello I want to have a code which gives a random value faster than a value per second. Here is my code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main() { int x; srand(time(NULL)); x = rand()%100 +1; printf("%d", x); return 0; } [/CODE] Can you please tell me how …

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The End.