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Member Avatar for Hiroshe

This code snipplet will find the placement of each letter in a array(string), from another array(character set). For example: the input would be something like this: string[256] = "gfdc" chrset[256] = "abcdefg" and the output would be: num[256] = 6, 5, 2 and 3

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Member Avatar for surender_kumar

Hello friends here i present a simple address diary program that store name, phone number,sunsigh,best moment date of birth and place,and also hobby of a person.... When you run this u must fill password and password is "hello"... I think you will enjoy it..............

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Hello friends, I am new participant in daniweb Here is the fantastic coding of SHEEL SORT..

Member Avatar for banders7

Here are 2 pieces of code. The first makes a hidden partition accessible by creating a path to it and assigning a drive letter. The second removes the path definition, effectively rehiding the partition. It is advised that caution be taken in the use of this code. The core to …

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Member Avatar for seeniya
Member Avatar for shital3144
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Member Avatar for dileepkumar235

This program displays all possible permutations of the string entered. say if u enter "abc" as input string the possible permutations would be displayed as ......................... abc acb bca bac cab cba ..........................

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Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for banders7

This a routine that executes a _popen() pipe on your behalf and retrieves the spawned program's/comand's console output for you. Useful if your program needs data from another program and can't communicate directly with it.

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123

Program is of the calculator which the usual thing for the operation. It has been totally implemented in the C language with the graphics and mouse functions included in it. Its not scientific but just a usual one..

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Member Avatar for banders7

A program that demonstrates opening Windows registry keys, reading data fields and closing the keys.

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Two very short routines. CLIPPUT transfers data to the clipboard and CLIPGET retrieves data from the clipboard. Developed and tested in Windows XP using a Borland C++ compiler.

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Member Avatar for mukorera

Iterative and recursive programs.these programs have been tested and run very well.enjoy

Member Avatar for begueradj

Hi from Begueradj, This program written in Turbo C simulates a student data bases using files. Basic operations such as seeking for a given student, deleting, adding and sorting are implemented here. Feel free to give me your points of view. Thanks, Begueradj.

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Member Avatar for Duoas

First off, C does not know anything about the I/O device you are using. It can be a keyboard and monitor, or a file, or a network connection, or anything which can do I/O. What that means is that there is no standard way to do this in C. That …

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Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi

You likely want something graphical, where the things move. GTK version of the classic arcade game Asteroids.

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Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi

A small demo about how to use GTK label as a simple console. To compile GTK program, `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags --libs` should finally be somewhere in the compiler command line in the bash-like shell.

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Replaces every occasion of the pattern, or only the first occasion if there is a subexpression, between \( and \), anywhere in the regular expression, as repeated replace is not what one would expect in that case. The string size is restricted in POSIX regular expressions to the size of …

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Member Avatar for sweetleaf

THE program highlights how to create a 2d array in freestore using pointers.. this is my first post so if i commit any fallacies regarding protocol or syntax please forgive me ....

Member Avatar for vijayan121

choose a random element from a sequence when a. you do not know how many elements are there before hand b. you want to make one single pass through the sequence c. you do not want to use auxiliary storage

Member Avatar for Mpiangu

hi every body try out this code it can store your info and then retriaeve it ant any time you wish. They are two codes each wrote separatly so first write the outputting code and run it. Then write the inputting code and also run it have fun:lol:

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Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn

Here is just a simple program to sort two strings inputted from the user entered on the command line.

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Member Avatar for SpS

For all functions, a domain error occurs if an input argument is outside the domain over which the mathematical function is defined. On a domain error, the function returns an implementation-defined value.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
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Member Avatar for nihilks

The program uses doubly linked lists to store the numbers where each node contains a single digit . Hence numbers of any length can be used as operands . Program works only with +ve integers

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the code now contains snippet to create the linked list too! any questions can be directed to [U]raghu_tillu@hotmail.com[/U]

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Hello to everyone out there. Recently many people on different forums have been asking how to make a recursive function which reverses the string passed to it. But unlike the normal recrusive funtion which only prints out the reversed string, this implementation returns a pointer to reversed string.

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Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

The program parses the digits in the number supplied to it and converts it to aplhabetical equivalent. Fore eg. input: 1234 output: one two three four This is a simple exercise for newbies, must try out. Tested and works under ideal input conditions.

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Member Avatar for Ene Uran

Just a short little C program to send beeps to the PC internal speaker. Beep(frequency_hrz, duration_ms) is a WinAPI function as is Sleep(ms).

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The End.