702 Topics

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Member Avatar for srinu

hi i want to pass the url variables from one page to another page as it is. so how can i pass those are all to nezt page. i may not know what are the var names exist in that or even i dont required. i just want to forward …

Member Avatar for Shy
Member Avatar for rharp

I'm receiving the following error anytime I try to click on a link or a button inside my application. I thought it was a session problem, which I tried removing the session_addtoken variable from the links. However, this did not resolve my problem. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly …

Member Avatar for digi
Member Avatar for cfnut

I have been looking up some of this stuff in my book but I just can't seem to get it. Below is my code. If my username and password are correct I want to display the page (GetPictureFromUser.cfm) If the passwords do not match up I want to display the …

Member Avatar for dazzlindonna
Member Avatar for cfnut

After this line of code: <cfif Password eq #Password# and UserName eq #UserName#> If this info is right I want to Display a page called GetPictureFromUser. How do I do this?

Member Avatar for dazzlindonna
Member Avatar for charmed0rz

I can't seem to find a tutorial or anything about this kind of registration form. It is extremely urgent, so any help is *greatly* appreciated. Ok, i have a registration form needing to submit the following information: DSN: userlogin User_ID: i want this submitted to all the tables in my …

Member Avatar for cfnut
Member Avatar for cfnut

I have a page where the user can enter his username and password. Does anyone have any examples on how to check the database for to make sure the user matches the username and password. Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for cfnut
Member Avatar for dazzlindonna

Two to three years ago, it wasn't all that difficult to find ColdFusion programming jobs in my area of the US (south). When the tech jobs started drying up, the CF jobs did too, and they never seemed to really return here. But I've been working from home for over …

Member Avatar for dazzlindonna
Member Avatar for samaru

[size=4]ColdFusion 5 Web Application Construction Kit[/size] [b]by Ben Forta[/b] This is probably the best ColdFusion book (for version 5, not MX) you can get right now. Goes over the very basics of web programming - all the technical stuff served to you on a silver platter. They did a really …

Member Avatar for luckydude
Member Avatar for brainchasm

Server is as follows: gig of RAM, running Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.47 (Mandrake Linux/6.3.92mdk) mod_perl/1.99_09 Perl/v5.8.1 PHP/4.3.2 JRun/4.0 Sun-ONE-ASP/4.0.0 Here's the problem: I use the server-status script a lot to watch what's happening on the webserver in a pseudo-realtime manner. There are 4 normal states for any given request to the server - …

Member Avatar for samaru

[size=4]Essential Coldfusion 4.5 For Web Professionals[/size] [b]by Micah Brown, Mike Fredrick[/b] Good book if you know Coldfusion - This book serves more as a reference for Coldfusion instead of a true tutorial. This book however is extremely useful as it provides real world examples and snips of code that can …

Member Avatar for samaru

[size=4]Macromedia Coldfusion 5 Language Reference[/size] [b]by Ben Forta[/b] Useful but could use better examples - While this reference contains all the functions/tags/variables/etc. used in ColdFusion, the book could use better/innovative examples. At first glance, I was surprised at the size of the book. How can someone fit so much in …

Member Avatar for samaru

This is a good FAQ on ColdFusion written by the popular Ben Forta. [url]http://www.cffaq.com/[/url]


The End.