Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mickeydoodle I've just acquired a Dell laptop, it seems to hate Linux! Touch pad doesn't work properly, Wireless won't connect and it's sooo slow! Works fine with Windows! CS and Math Programming Computer Science by Dexxta27 Well first of all. I am pursuing my associates in CIS, and wanted to continue by getting a bachelors in CIS. The university I am able to go to(UWI*) does't offer that, instead it has MIS and CS. I have done one year of CS(CAPE*) before, and MIS does too little programming, so I will try for CS. What I really want to know: how much of CS is math… CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Adam508 Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and currently in my 2nd semester of my 4th year of college. Regular college students are typically done after this semester, but unfortunately I still have 43 credits to go due to starting out at a local community college and dealing with pre-requisites. I should be able to graduate by Summer 2013 even if I … Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Adam508 If I am already struggling with this now will I have a very difficult time with data structures? My main concern is if I can even finish the CS curriculum. I hate to think that because I don't like to give up. I just dont enjoy the programming, but I want a degree that will get me a good job and be successful. I also just found out I received a … CS vs EE, CS Degree and other questions Programming Computer Science by TheGroove Hello. First off, let me say that if this has been brought up before I apologize. I'm currently a junior at the University of Colorado and am majoring in CS with a minor in business. I was an ECE major and switched to CS due to the fact that I just didn't care about how the computer works. However, after taking some more classes, the process of… Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Adam508 PlainOldChad, First off, thank you very much for your input! You said your passion doesn't lie in programming/software development, but you create apps? Isn't that primarily programming/software development? What is your profession if you don't mind me asking? Did you enjoy your programming class? How difficult is it to get through classes like … Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by PlainOldChad As a CS major myself I had the same dilemma. They really grill you in school with project after project you start to lose interest when you're sleeping 2-3 hours a day if you're lucky. There is a huge market for CS majors as no one wants to do it, there are plenty of IT professionals with less job openings in my market (vancouver bc canada). My … Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol Sounds to me that you hate the course you're doing. I sometimes hate my job and would consider stacking shelves in a supermarket. The grass is always greener on the other side. But then, in moments of lucidity, I realise ho fortunate I am to have such a 'good' job, however stressful it may get at certain times of the year. However, I think you are… Re: CS and Math Programming Computer Science by Rashakil Fol You probably don't really know whether you're good at math. So I'm not going to believe you when you say you're not very good at it. (Actually, I might believe that you're not [i]very[/i] good, but I won't believe you if you say you're not good at it.) Are you good at programming? That's basically the only question which tells whether you can … Re: CS and Math Programming Computer Science by rscubelek I'm not sure about the degree at your particular school, but I'm working towards my bachelor's degree in computer science at Purdue University (with multiple focuses on security and software engineering tracks), and my degree program requires math courses all the way up through calculus III, which is no walk in the park. That being said, you only … Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Adam508 How difficult will it be to complete courses like Data Structures and Operating Systems coupled with the fact that I am losing interest in programming? I still have a lot of programming heavy courses in the curriculum left. Is it worth STAYING in CS even if I do NOT want to be a programmer? Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Rashakil Fol Just because you're struggling now doesn't mean you will be in the future. I know somebody who was a mediocre programmer for more than his first half of university and now he's the most productive developer I personally know. It is not like you are some person who's just magically genetically incapable of getting better at programming. You … Re: CS Major contemplating switching majors. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Adam508 The main thing that worries me is job prospects. I am more interested in the IT degree for the sole fact that I do not believe I want to be a programmer. Dealing with the frustration and rigorousness of the CS degree will likely not be worth it if I do not go into software development. Can I still get a good career with an IT degree or am I making… Re: CS vs EE, CS Degree and other questions Programming Computer Science by Narue >But software? That just doesn't make any sense. Why not? A good understanding of the machine can improve code quality even in high level applications. As a good example, the system cache is becoming more and more important in high level data structures, and if you don't program with it in mind, your program will probably run more slowly. If … Re: CS & Applied Math Programming Computer Science by Rashakil Fol I'd say the applied math program is as 'good' as the CS program, since it mixes good math classes with what I consider the good CS classes. This is coming from somebody majoring in math or applied math who sneaks around CS classes. If I were in your position I'd go for the applied math program, but that might be just because I'd like to avoid the… Re: CS & Applied Math Programming Computer Science by Sonic_2006 [quote=Rashakil Fol]I'd say the applied math program is as 'good' as the CS program, since it mixes good math classes with what I consider the good CS classes. This is coming from somebody majoring in math or applied math who sneaks around CS classes. If I were in your position I'd go for the applied math program, but that might be just because I… CS PHotoshop and Mac Digital Media UI / UX Design by orchard Whilst working in CS Photoshop on MacG5 my files have become truncated and unreadable as images. This happened after I exported cache. All editing has also been lost - any ideas? CS & Applied Math Programming Computer Science by Sonic_2006 GUys am having a hard time deciding majors. Iam interested in both Computer Science and Applied math but cant decide . by the way heres the applied math program at my school so check it out to see if it is good --> [url][/url] I just want to know if appled math is good as CS is. any help would be … CS or CE for non - entry level? Community Center by scottpw25 I have a quick question about which master's degree would be better for someone who does not have a bachelor's in CS or software engineering and will be looking to get into the computer job market after having finished another professional career as a military officer. The bottom line is whether or not I would have to start as an entry level … Re: CS or CE for non - entry level? Community Center by fth527 I have done my Masters from Computer Science and BS from CS too. I can say from my experience that you can jump into a computer science course/program and get a decent job.Many people do that. So.. dont think more...just start learning programming.. CS Project Programming Software Development by UaBoy I am making a program for my CS class. Is there a way, in python, to set more than one value to a variable? Am I thinking about this in the wrong way? I need to make a program that asks a bank account holder for their username. If that user name is in the the system it asks for the pin. If not, it kicks them back a step If the … Re: CS PHotoshop and Mac Digital Media UI / UX Design by moon321 The website making main work in the cs photoshopes.Many many Desing made by photoshope . So i say Designers and photographers, meet Creative Cloud.Join now. Image editor software | Adobe Photoshop CS6 Thanks........... Re: Is a four year CS degree necessary to become a Java programmer? Programming Software Development by Hiroshe **CS is a different feild then programming.** Though CSer's can compete for the same jobs. Sometimes schools advertize their "computer programming" programs as "computer science" for the presteige of the name without understanding that they two are different feilds. If you want to study computer science, then you'll want to … Re: cs in college for me? Community Center by alc6379 Junior year is a little late, IMHO, to consider changing majors. Not that you shouldn't, but I think you're going to have to do some hard decision making-- maybe CS isn't for you; Is there a computer topic that does interest you? If you can salvage anything from your previous education, do so. Make it apply to your new career, whatever you … Re: CS research Programming Computer Science by arh Thanks for the idea. Sounds kinda boring (since I'm not gonna find much of anything faster that nlgn :) ). I'll look into that. We did a shorter version of that on my final exam for my last CS class. Re: CS research Programming Computer Science by arh Thanks rashakil fol. That was the kind of thing I'm looking for. That seems like an interesting idea that will preoccupy me for a while. I think that my next CS class is using scheme (or a descendent of it). Re: CS Degree - Need Help Choosing Foreign Language Programming Computer Science by EvolutionFallen I'm CS and I've taken 2 semesters of Japanese and 3 of Mandarin Chinese. If you're thinking of either of these two, maybe I can help you decide. In my opinion, Japanese is far easier to pronounce. Mandarin has 5 tones of speech you need to get used to hearing [I]and[/I] enunciating. Getting your tones wrong can lead to mistakes such as calling … [LINQ, C#]Problem with autogenerated DataClasses.designer.cs Programming Web Development by szmitek I have problem with LINQ. I have created SQL Server 2005 database Database.mdf in App_Data folder with two tables - Pages and PagesGroups. Table Pages consist of fields PageID, AspxForm, DescriptionEN, DescriptionPL, PagesGroupID, NavNameEN, NavNamePL, PageActive, NavToolTipEN, NavToolTipPL and table PagesGroups consist of PagesGroupID, … Switching from CS to being a Statistician? Community Center by Extro I'm currently a 4th-year CS major. This is not to say I took many CS courses, but I still need to take classes on Operating Systems, System programming, S/W Engineering, AI, Database, etc. So, far, my programming skills are pretty trivial. I know C++/Java but can only write simple trivial programs and a basic knowledge of data structure (i.e. how … Re: Switching from CS to being a Statistician? Community Center by Extro I should add that, I'm leaning toward the Statistics major with a minor in CS. However, there may be a time in my life where I may want to work in the computer industry doing software engineering. Is a minor enough? I don't want to regret the fact that I should've stayed in CS and acquired it as my major. Anways, with my plan to have a Stats major …