14,054 Topics

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Member Avatar for padmas

Hi I need to get url Instead of contact.htm and keep the animation. this is a modal window. [code]$(document).ready(function () { $('#contactForm input.contact, #contactForm a.contact').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // load the contact form using ajax $.get("contact.htm", function(data){ // create a modal dialog with the data $(data).modal({ close: false, position: ["0%",], …

Member Avatar for hi.meral

my basic question is that can i use the jquery insted of php syntax ? For example i developed a site in simple php, now i want to change the code for security perpose in jQuery.. Can I ??

Member Avatar for hi.meral
Member Avatar for seanooi

Hi guys, I have no experience with jQuery or php at all besides the ones I see in Wordpress and the functions I included in my themes so forgive me if I sound stupid. I'm trying to include the .scrollTo function in my theme, and was wondering if it's possible …

Member Avatar for jonow

Is there a JavaScript script that determines the geographical location of the visitor? I need one to determine that and depending on there location run 1 of about 5 different JavaScript scripts. How do i do this? Does someone know were i can can a script to do this or …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for sean_khan

Hi There, I have a webpage with link of useful websites. Rather than loading the websites in a new window, I would an "inline frame/window" to be opened just ow the link I clicked on so that I can preview/interact with the webpage. Does anyone know how this can be …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Arumugams

Hi, i have written a code for getting the environmental variable.I am getting the error as wscript undefined. [code] <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script language="javascript"> function getEnvironment() { var shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var env = shell.Environment("USER"); alert(env("temp")); } </script> </head> <body> <button onclick="javascript:getEnvironment();">Click</button> </body> </html> [/code]

Member Avatar for hljmdjrs
Member Avatar for irfan.motiwala

i have page contain two combo box USA UK GERMANY i want that if i select usa then 2nd combo box will shows only cities of usa plz provide me help

Member Avatar for awinandak
Member Avatar for ericbux

Hi, First-timer here. Have JS that works in Safari, IE but not FF. Very simple code: [code] <script> function callFunction() { if (eb.TobaccoProds.checked == true) { eb.action = "step2.php"; } else { eb.action = "passthrough.php"; } } </script> <form id="eb" name="ebr" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return callFunction();"> [/code] When user clicks (or …

Member Avatar for ericbux
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i have this code to start with javascript [CODE] if(document.createElement) { //W3C Dom method. var tr = document.createElement("tr"); var td = document.createElement("td"); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.id = field+count; input.name = "the"; input.type = "text"; //Type of field - can be any valid input type like text,file,checkbox etc. …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I have a possibly silly question. I want to use a script which requires: Minimal Requirements Mootools version 1.11 with these included: • Class.Extras • Fx.Scroll • Fx.Style • Native Element • Element.Event Im not sure how to 'add' this? Do I just need to download a folder which …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for jimbob90

This is a basic piece of code that write a couple of links to the webpage: in the xhtml file (1.0 Strict): [icode]<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js"></script>[/icode] in the file.js file: [code=JavaScript]document.write("<p><a href="link1.html">Title</a></p>"); document.write("<p><a href="link1.html">Title</a></p>"); document.write("<p><a href="link1.html">Title</a></p>"); document.write("<p><a href="link1.html">Title</a></p>");[/code] The links aren't there, the titles are there, THERE IS NOTHING THERE!!!!! =/

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for jimmiller96

Hi All, In my attempt to learn javascript by jumping in with both feet, I have run into the following scenario: I have a registration form that requires different information based on a combobox selection. My thought was to resubmit the form with some special identifier when the combobox changes, …

Member Avatar for jimmiller96
Member Avatar for adaykin

Hello I have a JSON array data.cells that I need to iterate through to get the values out of and put the values into an onclick event listener. Right now the variable name data.cells[i].letter is being based through the buildString function for each cell in my board, instead of the …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for swingingstars

Hi I'm new to mootools, could anyone help me on this? i got on mouseenter and mouseout works on IE 8, but on Firefox, it only works just once I don't know whether i's the css or the mootools code that went wrong [B]I've attached some files here too if …

Member Avatar for swingingstars
Member Avatar for bas_brain

Hi all, I am new to ajax, meaning I know nothing what so ever of programing ajax. I want to do a simple login interface with email and password (with php), but i also want that when I press submit button it show a box with "please wait..." message (this …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for m-hrt

i want a alert that alert when press submit button if the date user have inserted is expired as today is 19 may 2009 if a user puts 18 may 2009 it alerts that card expired. here is the code:- PHP CODE: [CODE=language]<?php $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","autodeskmaya") or die("error connect"); mysql_select_db("online_bus_project"); …

Member Avatar for m-hrt
Member Avatar for re-volter

I have this code: [CODE=javascript] function getLocation() { var siteurl = document.location.href; document.write(siteurl); } [/CODE] I want to extract from string etc. "http://site.examle.com/page1/page2" this part:"/page1/page2". How I can do it?

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for gamodg

Hi I am using CGI/C at the server. When the user clicks on a link the server sends a xml as response which undergoes xslt at client. The problem is 1. Sometimes Xslt takes 2 to 3 sec 2. User navigates to other link meanwhile 3. Xslt is done for …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i have this form that is php and it has some required fields. that get checked with php . but i know that javascript can be disabled so i want to keep the php code because it does all the error checking but i want to add javascript to look …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for JimPatrick

Hi I am looking for a random background image script. I have 3 background images that cover the whole browser and I want them to rotate when someone hits the refresh button on the browser. Can anyone help me on this thanks. JimPatrick

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Member Avatar for justted

Heya, I have recently got a script that basically uses AJAX to automatically resize an Iframe as opposed to having it show scrollbars. `Its a god send script as it means I can make my website 20 times better, however it doesnt seem to work properly with IE. Firefox seems …

Member Avatar for itsjareds
Member Avatar for Arumugams

Hi, I want to read an environmental variable using javascript.I have know idea of how to do that.Can anybody help me.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dathai

Hi, I'm pretty much a noob to ajax but I'm trying to get me head around it and have been very impressed so far. I'm stuck with trying to make/find a script though. I want a line to be drawn from one button to a series of others when you …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for ficus

Please can someone help with passing of variable for the 3rd menu. The second menu is populating correctly from the first menu. The third menu doesn't work because it is not pulling the cat1 & cat2 values. I suspect it is the "checkNew" function, which I tried (with limited Javascript …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sbhavan

I am using the following code for disabling Ctrl-N in IE7. It disables the Ctrl-N feature of IE which opens a new window containing the same page as the 'active' window. The code works great (at first glance). However, I noticed that, if you click anywhere inside the browser window …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for yehtech

I need a script for my website in which there will be a paragraph provided to our visitor. He will be asked for his reading rate like words per minute he can read. Then according to this asked rate the words in that particular paragraph will get highlighted.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for kenny.tor

Dear all, First time posting. I have a piece of javascript like the following. What it does is when you click on the text 'Click me', it will prompt you for password; if you enter 'test', it will show the url 'picasa' in a div. The code works in FF3 …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Potato.Head

Hi to all I have the following problem: I have a swf file that I'm inserting in my page, this swf file has a sound(mp3 imported file in the stage). I was wandering if I can stop or set the volume to 0, from JavaScript, I found that I can …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for MattTheHat

I'm having a problem with a quite complex piece of code, basically i cannot use an onClick event on my <div></div> element because it contains a flash file that is capturing all the clicks on it. Let me guide you through my code: It uses an XML document to load …

Member Avatar for MattTheHat
Member Avatar for sacarias40

i have a string like this: [CODE]location = '#http://www.website.com';[/CODE] how can i take off that hash sine? regards

Member Avatar for essential

The End.