6 Topics

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Google is reportedly coming out with a [URL="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_creating_twitter_clone_for_gmail.php"]Twitter-like tool[/URL] this week. Google's tried social a few times, but it hasn't done very well. Why are people so excited about it this time? It's important to remember that everything Google touches doesn't turn to gold. Sometimes they screw up. Sometimes they …

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I was on one of my Linkedin Forums and I saw a question about people who are using SocialText or SocialCast, both of which offer enterprise collaboration software for large companies and corporation who want to centralize all of their social media efforts and encourage collaboration. Has anyone here used …

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Not as though it's ever going to happen, but suppose I were at a party one night and [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/it100/2005/executive/GOOG.htm"]Eric Schmidt[/URL], CEO of Google happened to be there. I would love to corner him and get him a glass of wine or scotch or whatever it is that CEOs at large …

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Over the past year or so, [URL="http://twitter.com/"]Twitter[/URL] has become a full-blown communications phenomenon. For those of you who don't follow every social networking trend. Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you enter your thoughts, whatever they may be, in 140 or characters or less. Experts say if you aren't paying …

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Twitter users are a loyal bunch and few would argue that it's a useful networking tool. The one thing Twitter is not, however, is private. While that's not a big deal for most people, it certainly is in the world of academics where it's ill-advised to have children using communication …

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If you don't know anything about the microblogging phenomenon called [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL], it's about time you started. The idea behind microblogging is that you summarize your thoughts in 140 characters or less -- you're actually limited to the space available. Blogs with 250 word minimums need not apply. Twitter has taken …

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The End.