21 Topics

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Member Avatar for William Duffy

Hello everyone, I am currently employed by a cell phone provider and i am looking for a place to spread my knowledge and help those who need help. I know alot about phones and thier operation and the systems they opperate on. if I can't answer your question ill use …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16012[/ATTACH]It's official -- or so it seems. HP will be, after much speculation to the contrary, moving forward with a Windows 7-based tablet. An HP rep told TechNewsWorld that the company has begun "customer evaluation" of a Windows 7 tablet, after the Internet began buzzing with rumors that a tablet …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In quick succession, HP and Microsoft reportedly killed off two iPad wannabes this week. With HP's purchase of Palm and its WebOS, it meant that [URL="http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/29/hewlett-packard-to-kill-windows-7-tablet-project/"]the Windows 7 tablet[/URL] that Steve Ballmer showed off at CES in January (and which you can see here in [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2010/04/hp-video-shows-ipad-wannabe-teaser.html"]this video[/URL]) is suddenly shelfware. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14667[/ATTACH]I've often discussed in this space, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story255079.html"]the ongoing battle[/URL] among the technology titans--that constant struggle to find the missing link to control the computing world. This week, HP made its move when [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/28/hp-buys-palm/"]it purchased Palm for $1.2 billion[/URL]. On first blush, it looks like an incredibly stupid step, overpaying for …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.palm.com"]Palm[/URL] has been eyed up by a number of predators - rumours that it's going to be acquired by [URL="http://www.htc.com"]HTC[/URL] and others have abounded lately and they're not about to stop. The persuasive evidence that such an acquisition might happen is that its last two phones have more or less …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein isn't looking to the stars for his comeback strategy. The inventor of the iPod was quoted last week saying he had never used an iPhone and that he doesn't pay that much attention to Apple. Was he kidding? If his strategy for competing with the industry's …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for EddieC

The Android has landed. 17 percent of people in the U.S. currently planning to buy a smartphone within the next three months are considering one that runs Google's mobile OS, while 20 percent indicated that iPhone would be their choice. That's according to [url=http://comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/12/Android_Crashing_the_Smartphone_Party]a report released yesterday[/url] by analyst firm …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft and Palm today separately advanced web sites designed for developers to post and sell (or give away) applications for their respective mobile platforms, playing catch-up with Apple, whose [url=http://www.apple.com/iphone/apps-for-iphone/]App Store[/url] celebrated its one-year anniversary in July. Redmond also unveiled a series of new phones this week based on Windows …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

It was revealed yesterday that [URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/16/AR2009071600811.html"]Apple began blocking Palm Pre users [/URL]from syncing with iTunes. Apparently the latest upgrade, which I installed just this morning won't allow Pre users to sync with their phones. Seriously, Apple? Are you really going to be this petty? Do you really feel this threatened …

Member Avatar for Aviqc
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to multiple sources, the Palm Pre is set to launch on June 6th, which happens to be the 65th anniversary of [URL="http://www.army.mil/d-day/"]D-Day invasion[/URL]. I guess we can call this the Pre-Day invasion. Instead of storming the beaches of Normandy to take on Nazi Germany, Palm will be taking on …

Member Avatar for carlyse_09
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes someone you'd written off surprises you. Take Palm, for example. My first ever hand-held computer was a Palm - or PalmPilot as they were called then. So was my second, and my third. I really, really liked them. Then things moved on a little, or indeed a lot. Compaq …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

There’s a lot of talk about ‘dead cat” bounces in the financial markets these days. Nobody really knows if the stock market has hit bottom, but last week’s rebound continues into Monday, after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on “60 Minutes” and said that the recession could abate if …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Lots of news from Apple this week. There is of course [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/12/technology/personaltech/12pogue-email.html?em"]the new Shuffle[/URL] which has the web abuzz with chatter because the controls are on the headphones and not the device (stupid design doomed to fail) and there is the standard [URL="http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/G-8Z2A_yWvk/another-patent-hints-at-mac-tablet.ars"]Mac Tablet[/URL] rumor (Yawn; call me when they …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Since Palm introduced its [URL="http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/090109-CES-2009-Palm-Introduces-Smartphone-with-GPS/"]new smart phone[/URL] at CES last month, the buzz has been deafening and for that alone, Palm deserves a lot of credit. Let's face it, they were up until that moment, a company on life support, but with one smoothly-presented product announcement they were on the …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Not a good Friday on Wall Street, but then what else is new? The Dow is down 100 points, and the Nasdaq off 31 points, to 1,585 after a lousy jobs number (but not as lousy as many thought) and a seller’s run on Apple, Cisco Systems, and on semiconductor …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

After a year featuring tectonic shifts in the stock market and the economy, 2008 is set to go out with barely a tremor. A quiet Monday in the technology market, with the big news that palm looks like it’s going to get its own version of a bailout. That after …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Oracle, Research and Motion and Palm are all releasing earnings statements today, and that should pick up momentum in what has been a fairly dormant technology trading week. The web site Tradingmarkts.com thinks the earnings news means opportunity in two technology-heavy exchange-traded funds (ETFs); Technology Select Sector (SPDR ETF XLK); …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Device maker Palm this week placed its bet on a pair of pros. First is the [URL=http://www.palm.com/us/products/smartphones/treopro/index.html?creativeID=SP_BB_treopro]Palm Treo Pro[/URL], its next-generation smartphone to rival Apple’s iPhone and RIM’s Blackberry. The other is Jon Rubinstein, the company’s executive chair hired earlier this year and now charged with the company's salvation. Rubinstein …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Among the obstacles to building mobile software is gaining access to the devices for testing. Removing some of those road blocks is [URL=http://www.deviceanywhere.com]DeviceAnywhere[/URL], which today launched the [URL=https://www.deviceanywhere.com/palm/welcome.htm]Palm Virtual Developer Lab[/URL], adding the new Treo 755p, Centro and other units from Palm Inc. to its list of more than 1,000 …

Member Avatar for John A

Last Tuesday, Palm announced that they're developing a new operating system. Not surprising, especially since the current one that they've got needs a revamp. The huge news here is that this new operating system is going to use the Linux kernel as the base of the operating system, freeing them …

Member Avatar for tgreer

I have a love-hate relationship with Palm. First, the love: for starters, Palm-based PDAs do everything I want a PDA to do. Just give me the basics, such as a nice contact list, memo/notepad, a to-do list, etc. Palm has always done that, and that's all it really needed to …

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The End.