19,729 Topics

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Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, How can I accomplish splitting of data(string). For eg, If I want to split the 'Date Of Birth' ( given in the format dd/mm/yy) into its constituents dd, mm and yy separately. Specifically, I have a DOB field in my database(sql) and in the form, I have three …

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Member Avatar for geoamins

the below code accessing the report from the given IP Address... initailly i was facing problem during loading business report from the client computer because the i was used this code Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument cryRpt.Load("D:\Reports\PTC_1.rpt") on server the above code doing best work because the path is identifing. …

Member Avatar for di.arie
Member Avatar for jakx12

I cant find a decent explanation anywhere! How can i use the serialport component in .NET 2008 to send and receive data. Also whats the common code syntax for this component. If any one could point me to a decent tutorial that would be great! Im fairly new to the …

Member Avatar for jakx12
Member Avatar for studio72

Hello, I'm new in VB.NET in using API I have one app running and i want to send a command to another app on my PC from my active app I know is necessary to find a PID and some handlers from second ( from background ) but i don't …

Member Avatar for Naruse
Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for j15

Hello everyone, I am not much of a programmer but have some limited experience with vb.NET, so please bear with me. I have written the following code to create a dataset and fill it with three different tables, one of which is empty to begin with but is populated successfully …

Member Avatar for jetti
Member Avatar for Ammar N

Hello all, :) directly here is the issue: a "OpenFileDialog" is made to choose a picture and then inserted into a rdlc report. so i need the exact command to access any picturebox in the rdlc report. i used to do the job under VB6 as the following: Set ReportName.Sections("SectionName").Controls("Image2").Picture …

Member Avatar for Ammar N
Member Avatar for sweetsasthi

I need a help in designing form in vb.net. In my project I have to design a form to save the company's applicaton form details.the applicaton form is of two page.I have to make the form design catchy so that data entry is easy. A section in the application form …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for Chris11246

im trying to make a little game and i cant find how to use the keyboard to control it what does the code look like?

Member Avatar for Chris11246
Member Avatar for Tamir09

Ive managed so far with this code that amends data to an xml form, but I need to figure out how to remove the bit of code that amends data rather than overwriting it. Ive messed around with the code to see if I could manipulate it myself to get …

Member Avatar for Tamir09
Member Avatar for kasimacsys

I have declare a array variable in module, i need to access this variable to ToolStripMenuItem_Click Event. but i can't, when type that variable it shows "Class 'System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem' cannot be indexed because it has no default property" Please anyone help me

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for bakateria

Hello Guys, I need your help in creating a hangman game using vb. This is a school project and I am a beginner. I need your help. I really don't know how to start it. I can draw the hangman, but I need help in arrays. How to declare array …

Member Avatar for Chris11246
Member Avatar for WillemP

Hallo i'm Rinning an application with a sql database on pc1 it works fine but if i install the application on another pc i can't connect to the database i'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2 setup the connection but i cant find the 2nd pc where the data …

Member Avatar for rwatson
Member Avatar for eesmm

Newbie post. Please be kind. I am having terrible trouble creating a Audio VU meter user control in VB (Visual Studio 2008), and hoped somebody might be able to help. I need the simplest type of display - just a label on a user control where the width of the …

Member Avatar for forum@welbie.eu
Member Avatar for Darkicon

I'm stumped right now, I cannot figure out how to code something to get information from another form. This is what I'm trying to do: [code=VB] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "01" Then 'TextBox1 is in form 2. PictureBox1.Image = …

Member Avatar for winkler
Member Avatar for winkler

Hi all, it's my first time in this forum, I hope you can help. I've searched the web for a long time, couldn't find help, yet. I have a listview that displays a list of PDF files. When the user clicks on a row (in the "selectedIndexChanged" event), I display …

Member Avatar for winkler
Member Avatar for schimusi

Hie guys.How do you write a vb function that returns the frequency of each word that appears in a given text file.e.g.if the word "the" appears twice,it would return "The word 'the' appears 2 times".This has to be done until the end of the file without searching for a particular …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for plusplus

I have some music files that are being played, in certain cases in my project. Where should I store those files? I created a folder "Musik" under my project and put it in there, the problem is, how do I get to these files, I don't know the path when …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, I want to know how to bind data to DataGridView Control. I have seen examples on google nd other sites. but all examples use DataBind() while in my program, it shows DataBindings() in intellisense. I cant find out how to do this. I have to bind data from …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for babbu

Dim oledbcom As New OleDb.OleDbCommand oledbcom.CommandText = "Select ID from Customer where Company = ?" oledbcom.Connection = oledbcon Dim oledbparam As OleDb.OleDbParameter = _ oledbcom.Parameters.Add("@Company", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar, 50) oledbparam.Value = frmNewCompany.txtCompName.Text.Trim Dim oledbreader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = oledbcom.ExecuteReader Dim id As Integer While oledbreader.Read id = oledbreader.GetInt32(0) End While 'end of fetch …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Ricky80

hi, i'm creating application using visual basic 2008 express. It's great acctually, but I'm having problem creating report with it. Can anyone suggest reporting tools that can be used with VB 2008 express? I tried microsoft report viewer 2008, and it seems that vb 2008 express doesn't support report design …

Member Avatar for mahr
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

When i insert jpg picture on the Form.two instance insert in the form Using Background image.Kindly help me .any help would be Greatly appreciated. Kindly find the attachment also.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for flinto

Hi there I have the the following database structure: [B]Table Product[/B] Product_ID - Product_name - Product_issue_date [B]Table Sale[/B] Product_ID - amount - date Now i want to report the total of each product. The result should look like this: Product 1 - 5,000 Product 2 - 3,500 Product 3 - …

Member Avatar for HERTBERTS
Member Avatar for smileyc

Hi. using the following code I am trying to read an xml stream [code] [code=vb.net] Do While (reader.Read()) Select Case reader.NodeType Case XmlNodeType.Element 'Display beginning of element. MsgBox("<" + reader.Name) Case XmlNodeType.Text 'Display the text in each element. MsgBox(reader.Value) Case XmlNodeType.EndElement 'Display end of element. MsgBox("</" + reader.Name + ">") …

Member Avatar for sweetsasthi

hai friends, I dont know how to create database dynamically in vb.net.(if a button is clicked 4 databases in access or sql has to be created).similarly by clicking the delete button the specified database should be deleted.can you help me out with the coding.

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for Ammar N

Hello all, :) directly here is the issue: i want to choose the path to my database file for my DBdataset in a VB .net project during the runtime in the first form, and then i want to use that file in some other forms. the file could be on …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for babbu

hello every1. i want the text box of form1 to be accessible in form 2 without declaring it as public. ive declared it as protected. but how do i inherit it in form 2.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for olly333

Hi all, I am fairly new to programming, and I have two related Problems, 1, i need to capture keypresses globally eg. no matter what is selected if i press 'z' the program will end. the only way that i could do this so far is to have a handle …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Can somebody tell me the sites related to latest VB.net Interview Questions..Cz ui have interview on coming wednesday!!! I will be very helpfull.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for camykamani

Hi 1]Am new to VB.NET and m required to design the form for log in id and password connected to MS ACCESS 2003 containing the fields 1)user no 2)user id 3)type 4)password. Can you please provide me with the code for the same. 2]Secondly am required to make a splash …

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The End.