Re: webmail Programming Web Development by raf.fredi [QUOTE=Karthik_pranas;1602889]Now. In which stage you are in your own webmail?[/QUOTE] I'm at starting point I have read some tutorials to create webmail but that doesn't worked. I have written code to read email but it have some errors. Is there any book about email programming? webmail Programming Web Development by yashkant hi i m yash.....i am making a project on webmail...can anyone help me in starting with it, hw to go ..which language would be best suitable etc.... webmail Programming Web Development by raf.fredi can anyone help me to create my own webmail? Re: webmail Programming Web Development by karthik_ppts Now. In which stage you are in your own webmail? Webmail Internationaly Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by woodchuck We currently use webmail on through our exchange server. . . we have an international salesman … and Office 2003 Pro, she can not connect to her webmail. . . it keeps telling her the log in information is incorrect… Webmail script support registration Programming Web Development by OsaMasw Hello guys, I know there is a ton of webmail scripts and works with cPanel, but no one I found that support register new users like : Google,Yahoo,etc.... I need php webmail so new users can register and using my doamin as there mail service. best regards . webmail mystery Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by stvrich …;event" I am having. In one of my yahoo webmail accounts I (fairly frequently) am receiving an email that has… Re: webmail Programming Web Development by jbennet well youd need serevr-side scripting so PHP or ASP/ASP.NET Re: webmail Programming Web Development by pritaeas How about [URL=""]this[/URL]. Re: Customize CPanel Webmail Community Center by cPanelDavidG … I can customize the look of the CPanel webmail so as to have custom webmail login with say the company logo and… want to add a custom login page where webmail users can login to their webmail interface via your website? All of this… is customizable. You may also keep in mind that webmail users will inherit some of the branding that has been… Free webmail crypto browser extension for Firefox Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … is a free extension offering encryption for your webmail account when accessed via the Firefox browser and which… user script to integrate Freenigma functionality with the desired webmail client, while leaving key management (did I really… encryption only covers the mail content and not the webmail from/to headers, or attachments for that matter. … Customize CPanel Webmail Branding Programming Web Development by ibekzy … company's email but I was requested to change the webmail branding with my company logo and color theme. I found… find one. Can you help me customaize the webmail manually or point me which webmail application will do this for me? truck… Re: Free webmail crypto browser extension for Firefox Hardware and Software Networking by LastMitch … put, it is a free extension offering encryption for your webmail account when accessed via the Firefox browser and which works… IE problem with webmail Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Saintblade … mail on our Exchange server over the internet using Outlook Webmail, IE7 asks me to login and the inbox and all… any messages. When I use Firefox and access my Outlook Webmail, my inbox comes up with all my messages and I… Customize CPanel Webmail Community Center by tuse Hi all! Is there any way in which I can customize the look of the CPanel webmail so as to have custom webmail login with say the company logo and other things on the page? Setup a Webmail Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cguan_77 hi guys, how to setup a webmail using my own internet domain name? like [url][/url] pls. help...any ideas is greatly appreciated... thank you :( Adding a DNS to hit a from inside domain Hardware and Software Networking by cronald12706 hello all, i am looking to add the abilty to hit our from inside our domain. Outside the domain the works, just not inside the domain I dont have any idea on how to do this... i am looking for a step by step way to complete this thank you in advance Re: Offering webmail or email Digital Media Digital Marketing by posvar … third-party services out there that can organize and handle webmail if I wanted to offer it to my site visitors… they are still on my site), sign up for a webmail account, submit payment (like 2bucks/month or something like that… Re: How can i create ASP.NET Webmail ? Programming Web Development by tdkr80 …... called snipped . we are allowing people to create the our webmail add users yadda yadda yadda this service happens to be… last stop left on our site untill we create another webmail account server... so we recomend you use this service, you… Re: Customize CPanel Webmail Community Center by cPanelDavidG … go with a custom login theme rather than a custom webmail theme. I discussed how to create a custom login theme… making own webmail Programming Web Development by noojam55 hi guys newbie here trying to create my own webmail pop3 checker for my site but cant find a tutorial. any chance any of u know the basic commands or know atutorial cheers, noojam55 :cry: Re: making own webmail Programming Web Development by Dani SquirrelMail is a very nice open source, PHP-based webmail client. While I can't point you in the direction of a tutorial unfortunately, perhaps checking out their code will give you some ideas? [url=""][/url] Offering webmail or email Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani Has anyone had any success offering a webmail or email service to members? Can it be profitable? Does it help branding? What are conversion ratios like? Re: Offering webmail or email Digital Media Digital Marketing by Scribbller … it. I personally havent had any success with offering email/webmail service to members, you will notice that quite alot of… Re: Offering webmail or email Digital Media Digital Marketing by mddv … not yet tried to add any advertising material on the webmail service i offer but i have thought of various ways… How can i create ASP.NET Webmail ? Programming Web Development by nazeem2005 I want to send and receive email. Plz tell me how to create a Webmail for this Re: How can i create ASP.NET Webmail ? Programming Web Development by Paladine [quote=nazeem2005]I want to send and receive email. Plz tell me how to create a Webmail for this[/quote] [URL=""][/URL] Microsoft Webmail--troubleshooting sending messages Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by armyresvrob I am having trouble trying to write messages in webmail. I can open and read messages, but when I try … CPanel Roundcube Webmail doesn't keep sent mails, why? Hardware and Software Networking by 86fallen#2019! **Hello friends!** When I **send** e-mails via *"Roundcube Webmail"* (CPanel), **sent mails doesn't exist** when I login again, why? How can I **fix it** to save the sent mails? Re: webmail mystery Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by unitedwaykat Some thoughts: "No subject", may have been sent that way. "Undisclosed recipients", this was sent to multiple addresses and sent as BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Actually I prefer people sending to me in that form since my email address does not get spread around and when a spammer gets the message he will have a bunch of valid …