When I tried writing a question to ask for help, I don't see the tool bar, and then can't enter code.
How do I see the tool bar?

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What OS / device / browser are you using? If no toolbar, just select the whole pasted text and press TAB. Alternatively, ensure that each code line has at least 4 spaces (or tab) preceeding it. Code blocks must be separated from normal text blocks (top and bottom) by an empty line, otherwise it comes out as normal text.

I am running windows 10. Interesting ... With chrome and Mozilia Fire Fox I don't see the toolbar as I edit this note, but with Edge and Safari I see the tool bar. Thanks!

There are a few hotkeys that might help if you are stuck (^ = CTRL).

^Q quote
^I italic
^O ordered list
^H heading
^K inline code
^L enter link
^B bold
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