I don't know where this came from, but thought it funny.

Operator: Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I
have your national ID number?

Customer: Hi, I'd like to place an order.

Operator: I must have your NIDN first, sir.

Customer: My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's 6102049998-45-54610.

Operator: Thank you Mr. Sheehan. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive, and the phone number is 555-1212. Your office number over at Lincoln Insurance is 555-2302 and your cell number is 555-2566. E-mail address is Seehan@home.net. I see you're calling me from home.

Customer: Huh? Where'd you get all this information?

Operator: We're wired into the HSS, sir.

Customer: The HSS, what is that?

Operator: We're wired into the Homeland Security System, sir. This will add only 15 seconds to your ordering time.

Customer: (sighs) Oh well, I'd like to order a couple of your All-Meat Special pizzas.

Operator: I don't think that's a good idea, sir.

Customer: Whaddya mean?

Operator: Sir, your medical records and commode sensors indicate that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice.

Customer: What?!?! What do you recommend, then?

Operator: You might try our low-fat Soybean Pizza. I'm sure you'll like it.

Customer: What makes you think I'd like something like that?

Operator: Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion

Customer: All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones, then.

Operator: That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four kids. Your 2 dogs can finish the crusts, sir. Your total is $49.99..

Customer: Lemme give you my credit card number.

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash. Your credit card balance is over its limit.

Customer: I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your driver gets here.

Operator: That won't work either, sir. Your checking account is overdrawn also.

Customer: Never mind! Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash ready. How long will it take?

Operator: We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45 minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick'em up while you're out getting the cash, but then, carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can be a little awkward.

Customer: Wait! How do you know I ride a bike?

Operator: It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid for and you just filled the tank yesterday.

Customer: Well, I'll be a #%#^^&$%^$@#.

Operator: I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already got a July 4, 2003 conviction for cussing out a cop and another one I see here in September for contempt at your hearing for cussing at a judge. Oh yes, I see here that you just got out from a 90 day stay in the State Correctional Facility. Is this your first pizza since your return to society?

Customer: (speechless)

Operator: Will there be anything else, sir?

Customer: Yes, I have a coupon for a free 2 liter of Coke.

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents us from offering free soda to
diabetics. The New Constitution prohibits this... Thank you for calling Pizza Hut!

Ezzaral commented: hehehe Very good! +15

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All 10 Replies

In a few years that won't be a joke. ;)

It's been around several years, and was funny before. Now it's scary!

They have finally found a good use for computers!

Remember, now that phone numbers are portable, they are the new NID.

I'll supply the tinfoil for a hat making party ;)

commented: XP +4

So we can start now...

> In a few years that won't be a joke.

And we would have a band of outlaws who would be completely against this. Good setting for an anime, can't wait for this one... ;-)

>Good setting for an anime, can't wait for this one... ;-)
It's probably been done. I don't recall an anime, but I distinctly remember an episode of Sliders with this theme.

Speaking of pizza, it's time to order one! =)

Hmmm... let's see...

I typically only order pizza with Pepperoni, Italian Sausage and rarely will I go for Supreme @_@

What are some other fairly good toppings (for pan-crust pizzas)? =)


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