I just realised that this thread relates to a movie series called Stargate. For all we know there could be a burried stargate in egypt where 10000 years ago the achients could have enhabited the planet and transported species from a variety of planets from the universe. Crazy theory but very possible just like any other theory.

Ancient Dragon commented: One of the best theories I have heard in years :) +36

No evidence, thats the difference between theory and conjecture

commented: Logic is such a buzz-kill. :P +19

I just realised that this thread relates to a movie series called Stargate. For all we know there could be a burried stargate in egypt where 10000 years ago the achients could have enhabited the planet and transported species from a variety of planets from the universe. Crazy theory but very possible just like any other theory.

Sorry, that is not a theory - it is barely a hypothesis. In order for a really bad thought like that to 'evolve' from a bad hypothesis to a bad theory, it has to be supported by a fact. Somewhere someone has to find something to support it before it can even become a 'true' hypothesis.

Here is another bad thought - you exist somewhere in the real world and are really lame enough to think that this kind of thinking has value. If you do not understand the word 'theory', how can you come up with one?

commented: You're not a grumpy old man :) +10

Here is a thought: Unintelligent Design


No evidence, thats the difference between theory and conjecture

Wouldn't that make religion a conjecture? Because the description I gave is also like a religion in its own way saying that humans decended from achients just like a religion would say humans decended from god.

>Wouldn't that make religion a conjecture?
Well, it certainly is not a theory.

(Ancients is the word you're looking for, not "Achients")

yes religion is just belief, its not a theory

I thought the difference between ideal, hypothesis, and theory was the first thing they taught/reviewed in any science related class?

Wouldn't that make religion a conjecture? Because the description I gave is also like a religion in its own way saying that humans decended from achients just like a religion would say humans decended from god.

Actually, religion is a belief system rather than a knowledge system. The lamest thing I see day to day is someone trying to link the latest scientific theory with the latest trendy religious belief. This was especially common in the 1970s when all the 'scientists' with a smattering of science and smattering of Eastern philosophy tried to prove the one with the other - see "Dancing Wu Li Masters" or anything by Fritjof Capra. These are good books in their own right, it is just that you can't hang religion on the latest scientific thought; scientific thought changes, is modified as it adjusts to what it finds in the universe. They are completely different systems that may or may not overlap.

There are so many different random thoughts about who we are and where we come from that you can, if you want, just toss yours onto that pile over there - it is neither religious nor scientific nor even a system; it is just a thought and a not very original thought at that. Go find an old used-book store and get a copy of any piece of crap by Erich von Däniken.

I thought the difference between ideal, hypothesis, and theory was the first thing they taught/reviewed in any science related class?

Thank you! My brain is a musty, cobwebby place with many nooks and crannies - I had misplaced Idea/Conjecture and sorely missed it in one of my previous posts.

I most certainly do believe in evolution. The religious theories behind creation were a natural occurrance of misunderstanding. I almost think of it as a coping mechanism... when science fails to explain something, religion credits a superbeing. Some people just prefer to accept the unknown.

That being said I have no issues with religion, providing it's fair and causes no harm to others...

I have no issues with religion, providing it's fair and causes no harm to others

pretty much rules out all religions then

I most certainly do believe in evolution. The religious theories behind creation were a natural occurrance of misunderstanding. I almost think of it as a coping mechanism... when science fails to explain something, religion credits a superbeing. Some people just prefer to accept the unknown.

That being said I have no issues with religion, providing it's fair and causes no harm to others...

Very true, like there are many unsolvable problems , may be problem like "how universe is created is just another unsolvable problem , and govt should neither fund scientists nor religion to explain it.

pretty much rules out all religions then

Indeed you have a point.

You cannot believe in evolution theory. In the long run it would become a religion.
It is a theory that explains many things in the world around us. So it is a good theory untill we can prove it or untill we find a better one. I adhere to it because it can explain for instance why a butterfly goes from egg, caterpillar, puppa and finally butterfly.

Thats not evolution at all, thats metamorphosis which is a totally unrelated thing

Ok jbennet, you have a point there.
But explain to me then why a butterfly EVOLVED in doing his tricks, while a grasshopper comes out of his egg as a tiny grasshopper and gradually gets bigger until he is grown up. The metamorphosis of a frogg is more easy to understand, in terms of evolution, than the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

Very true, like there are many unsolvable problems , may be problem like "how universe is created is just another unsolvable problem , and govt should neither fund scientists nor religion to explain it.

There are no unsolvable problems, there are problems that we have not solved.

How can you possible say that we should not fund scientists to explain it? Do you really believe that? We have the math and a map to the big bang that goes all the way to approximately 10^-37th seconds - and you think we should not look closer?

Are you deranged?

Ok jbennet, you have a point there.
But explain to me then why a butterfly EVOLVED in doing his tricks, while a grasshopper comes out of his egg as a tiny grasshopper and gradually gets bigger until he is grown up. The metamorphosis of a frogg is more easy to understand, in terms of evolution, than the metamorphosis of a butterfly.


I believe in the concept of creation and how evolution took place. I believe that someone, millions of years ago, we are just tiny speck of particles that evolved into something new life form, and that it kept on evolving until it evolve to what we are now. Hope that it will stop here though.

I believe that someone, millions of years ago, we are just tiny speck of particles that evolved into something new life form, and that it kept on evolving until it evolve to what we are now. Hope that it will stop here though.

Well the only thing I hope for with evolution is that we don't evolve into some sort of moster that ya see on those science fiction shows. I just hope we evolve into an advanced species like the Achients from Stargate.

Hope that it will stop here though.

Evolution never stops. It goes on and on and on... With no specific target in sight.

Well the only thing I hope for with evolution is that we don't evolve into some sort of moster that ya see on those science fiction shows.

What makes you certain that we haven't?

commented: Wished I had said that! +4

What makes you certain that we haven't?

Wow I leave for a week and Ezzaral becomes a mod (congratulations by the way), the layout has been messed with, GrimJack changes his avatar (I thought that thing would be there forever) and... that's all the major changes I can think of right now. Good luck Ezzaral with your new duties. I think you'll do fantastic job.

To be on topic:
Ummm....GrimJack is right ;)

Everything seems to be explained through science up until the point GrimJack mentioned. Before that it's all speculation, but I still find it difficult to believe it's the result of a 'God'. Of course to discover the truth funding must continue.

And as for the discussion on the previous page... what does metamorphosis have to do with the topic? It's a different concept altogether. :s

I'm also of the belief evolution will never cease, though it may slow down. Baldness seems to be a issue these days... who's not to say our future ancestors will have absolutely no hair? ;P

Wow I leave for a week and Ezzaral becomes a mod (congratulations by the way), the layout has been messed with, GrimJack changes his avatar (I thought that thing would be there forever) and... that's all the major changes I can think of right now. Good luck Ezzaral with your new duties. I think you'll do fantastic job.

To be on topic:
Ummm....GrimJack is right ;)

It was VERY hard for me to give up that avatar but since we got a new kitty, I had to find some way to celebrate. Her name is Morgan (my last black cat was named Merlyn so we went with Morgan le Faye); she is such a princess!

@ Jasimp: Thanks :)

@ GrimJack: I like the sniper kitten.

Oh, look.... a Creation vs. Evolution internet smackdown where technologically-minded evolutionists gang up on a few bold (if slightly misguided) proponents of ID/creation science

... and it immediately jumps to 12+ pages in just over a month?

has this ever happened before???


@ GrimJack : if we all work hard enough we could perhaps evolve into cats! I have Lizie and her son Pixel.

@ GrimJack : if we all work hard enough we could perhaps evolve into cats! I have Lizie and her son Pixel.

This brings up a (semi-)related topic - reincarnation. If we are really, really good in this life, can we come back as cats?

Be that as it may - mankind is not the product of evolution, it is a by-product and as such, the universe will not miss us if we screw up and get cleared out of the gene pool (I imagine a huge strand of DNA on a high seat blowing a whistle, shouting "everyone out of the pool").

But then, I am an optimist. (the images don't mean anything - I just like them)

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