> There's also potentially severe economic affects that may have come into play by signing the Kyoto Protocol...
> or so I've heard...
Or so you've been told by those with a vested interest.
But those with a different view might regard it as an opportunity to be capitalised on.

Would that not indicate that they, too, have a vested interest in the issue? You seem to be implying that we shouldn't believe those who say it would be economically bad...why then should we regard the other side's arguments?

And exactly which opportunity are you expecting them to capitalize on? The only one I can see in the Kyoto treaty and its like is the 'chance to expand power' opportunity.

The Greens like Al Gore have just as much invested interest in signing somthing like kyoto as those who do not want to sign kyoto. Gore has invested in numerous carbon trading companies etc. All of the really big spokemen for Global warming have something to gain from it. Then you have the Greens who simply believe anything that they are told about the enviroment come in and start regurgatating this false information.

In one form or another humans have been emitting carbon into the atmosphere for millenia and yet all of a sudden it has started to have an effect on the climate. Given we have been emitting alot more CO2 in the last century due to a large expanding population all requiring power but thats also about as far back as we have solid temperature recording.

The world ended for me when Windows replaced DOS, and my wife left me for an alien.

DOS is still there, somewhere hidden in Windows. You just have to look for it.

There are lots of men who wish their wife would leave them for an alien!

DOS is still there, somewhere hidden in Windows. You just have to look for it.

There are lots of men who wish their wife would leave them for an alien!

No. Thats not DOS, Thats NT pretending to be DOS.

How'd DOS (or the lack there of), come into the discussion of the end of the world!?

not a clue ;)

How'd DOS (or the lack there of), come into the discussion of the end of the world!?

MidiMagic posted:
"The world ended for me when Windows replaced DOS, and my wife left me for an alien."

Nice sense of humor there!

I wonder if the final war will be "reborn christians" against all the "other religions" of the earth.

Of course a superbug like MRSA might beat them all to it!

Of course a superbug like MRSA might beat them all to it!

... or SARS... or H5N1 bird flu... or Ebola...
Always something isn't there? Chicken Little will always have something in the wings to crow over.

I wonder if the final war will be "reborn christians" against all the "other religions" of the earth.

I doubt that. Most of the wars Dubbed as "Holy Wars" in the past were a mere grab for land rather then an actual spiritual war. So while Christianity was used as an excuse to fight them and as a way to get people to fight in them, they were not actually a christian war.

Don't tell me we have to wait until 2012 before people stop posting to this thread ;)

commented: Heh. +11

Yes thats right. Little do we know by starting this thread we have set off the chain of events leading up tp the destruction of the world in 2012!

Yes thats right. Little do we know by starting this thread we have set off the chain of events leading up tp the destruction of the world in 2012!

We might need to add a poll, something like this:
Gamma Rays
Nuclear War
Regular War
Religious War
Catastrophic release of Carbondioxide
Massive Vulcano Eruption
Massive Earthquake
Gay Rights
High Taxes
The Poor Get Poorer
Excess Liberals
Hillary Healthcare

Anyone have more?

Yeah, you missed a couple:
Social Conservatives
Surveillance Society
"Nation Building"

We might need to add a poll, something like this:
Gamma Rays
Nuclear War
Regular War
Religious War
Catastrophic release of Carbondioxide
Massive Vulcano Eruption
Massive Earthquake
Gay Rights
High Taxes
The Poor Get Poorer
Excess Liberals
Hillary Healthcare

Anyone have more?

Is any war really reugular? In one form or another Religion has been used as an excuse to fight in or start pretty much any war.

Put my vote down for complete collapse of time and space itself. I like the idea of being compressed into a single atom.

So how will WE write it? How shall it read when we look back on December 21, 2012? We certainly have the elements in place to destroy ourselves. The planet has experienced cataclysmic events in its history - polar shifts, ice ages, etc. No one really knows. What the Mayan's meant with their End-Count calendar will always be up for speculation. It fires the imagination, for sure. SOooo let's write it like we want it. Check out "the 100th human" www.the100thhuman.com

I find the argument "it's the end of the calendar, therefore it's the end of the world" as useless as saying the world is going to end when the clocks roll over from 23:59 to 00:00 at the end of each day.

All calendar systems have some kind of modulo arithmetic in them. The planet is in orbit, what the hell do you expect. Learn some maths and get over it already.

But put the end date a couple of hundred years in the future and sprinkle in some mysticism (or other brain-rot) and all of a sudden people are running round like the proverbial headless chicken (aka "mike")

Well, come December 22, 2012 the Mayan Calendar folks will have a good laugh and will have to invent something else.

Looks like Lardmeister left the Mayan Calendar off his list, unless that is implied in the ubiquitous "all of the above".

Okay, this is what we have so far for the reasons the world, as we know it, will end:
Black Hole
Gamma Rays
Nuclear War
Regular War
Religious War
Catastrophic release of Carbondioxide
Massive Vulcano Eruption
Massive Earthquake
Gay Rights
High Taxes
The Poor Get Poorer
Excess Liberals
Hillary Healthcare
Social Conservatives
Surveillance Society
"Nation Building"
Chemical Contamination of Food and Toys
and all of the above at once!

Might have missed a few major ones.

Okay, this is what we have so far for the reasons the world, as we know it, will end:
Black Hole
Gamma Rays
Nuclear War
Regular War
Religious War
Catastrophic release of Carbondioxide
Massive Vulcano Eruption
Massive Earthquake
Gay Rights
High Taxes
The Poor Get Poorer
Excess Liberals
Hillary Healthcare
Social Conservatives
Surveillance Society
"Nation Building"
Chemical Contamination of Food and Toys
and all of the above at once!

Might have missed a few major ones.

Actually, as you read this, the world as you know it just ended.

Actually, as you read this, the world as you know it just ended.

I think you are correct! My dad tells me that not too long ago people only worried about "Nuclear War" and "Communism". Those were the good old times!

>>Those were the good old times!
I disagree because those "good old times" had more disease than we have today, AIDS was 100% fatal, less fuel-efficient automobiles, so-called educational films taught children to hide under their desks in case of nuclear attack, and many many more disadvantages.

"Good old days" ??? There has never been a better time for most people than today (politics excepted)

I agree with you! Should have put "Those were the good old times!" into the rumination of the day thread!

so-called educational films taught children to hide under their desks in case of nuclear attack

Its actually not bad practice. Falling debris are he main cause of death within the first 10 minutes of a blast , provided you are not vaporised. Therefore, earthquake style techniques like hiding under funriture should apply

You forgot total collapse of time and space into a quantum singularity.

commented: Once again you are talking out your ass like some kind of retard -2

Its actually not bad practice. Falling debris are he main cause of death within the first 10 minutes of a blast , provided you are not vaporised. Therefore, earthquake style techniques like hiding under funriture should apply

haha.. wont help much if you get nuked.. The desk aint gonna help if you're vaporized or the building collapses on your head :P

also.. the radiation will kill ya too.. provided you aren't wearing a lead (?) suit. I forget what the radiation wont penetrate.

You forgot total collapse of time and space into a quantum singularity.

what? There is no gravitational collapse of time and space wtf.. what, did you just combine a lot of words so it sounded cool?

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