I normally don't do this but... Happy Thanksgiving.

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whats thanksgiving anyway?

>whats thanksgiving anyway?

Some American holiday celebrating the end of the harvest season.

Happy Turkey Day :)

We stole it from UK. The early white settlers brought that tridition with them and we just adopted it as a national holiday.

how come we dont eat turkey in the UK apart from on christmnas then?

For those of you who feel like giving thanks, this is the day to do it! Merry Harvest Feast!

I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving :)

how come we dont eat turkey in the UK apart from on christmnas then?

Don't know, but we eat turke year-around. Not every day or as often as chicken, but its popular all the time. And its healthy too, much better you than artery-cloging fish & chips or hamburgers & fries

Has anyone else heard of this?

The first Thanksgiving wasn't with the pilgrims and indians but with Spain and the indians? It was years and years before the pilgrims and indians.

*Quote Amazon.com*
When most Americans think of the first Thanksgiving, they think of the Pilgrims and the Indians in New England in 1621. But 56 years before they celebrated, Spanish explorer Pedro Men??ndez arrived on the coast of Florida and founded the first North American city, St. Augustine. On September 8, 1565, the Spanish and the native Timucua celebrated with a feast of Thanksgiving. The Spanish most likely offered cocido, a rich stew made with pork, and the Timucua may have brought wild turkey, venison, or even alligator, along with corn, beans, and squash. Learn about our real first Thanksgiving. Learn about Spain and Florida in the 1560s. And make your own cocido from a recipe provided in this important and groundbreaking book.

The next time you are going to tell us that the first Thanksgiving was between the Chinese and the Indians?

commented: dude, shut up -1

Happy Thanks Giving to the Americans amongst us! :)
I'm English so it means nout to me really :P

Happy Thanks Giving to the Americans amongst us! :)
I'm English so it means nout to me really :P

Thank you Serunson for your wishes. It's nice to find a person that likes us Americans for something pleasant. I just love the English accent! Maybe I should say that we have the accent. Anyway, I love the English English.

I am English yet can do many other accents as well, Bennet knows that seeing as i see him at college more or less everyday :P
American is a tough accent to copy well, there are many ways to do it, but they all sound rubbish :D

American is a tough accent to copy well, there are many ways to do it, but they all sound rubbish.

I don't really know what rubbish sounds like. The American accent can be decent in the midwest, but southern drawl sounds like they are rolling a hot potato in their mouth while they talk. You might want to try that!

What i meant is some peoples impersonations of the accent are shoddy :D
Mine sounds like an army general :P But works in certain conversations :)

Oh gee, you don't want to sound like some army general! Try the hot potato idea and sound like a hillbilly.

Actually, the most important part of Thanksgiving is the Friday that follows. In the USA many workers get the day off, and it is used as the major day to go Xmas shopping. The stores are mobbed, and folks line up in front of the doors hours before opening. The day is called "Black Friday" because so many stores go from red to blank ink on their accounting sheets.

I like the blue Smithers btw
Are the queues anything like the hoards of idiots going to buy the iPhone :D

I like the blue Smithers btw
Are the queues anything like the hoards of idiots going to buy the iPhone :D

Oh thanks, I was just thinking about turning the face red, maybe I better leave it that way.

The crowds, euphemisticly called "Bargain Hunters", are actually worse than the iPhone crowd, since they consist of usually obese housewives that will push and elbow you rather unremittingly. The men, who are off work, stay home with the kids, after all, those runny nose critters are supposed to believe that their toys come from Santa. They can't very well see mommy buy all that stuff!!!!

Note, I am putting on extra exclamation marks now, since one fellow on the forum is counting them. Have to make him happy in the spirit of the season.

commented: I thought it was comments ending in '!' being counted. Not '!' themselves. +3

Where's the thread talking about counting !!! marks?
What a sad time they will have counting all the !!! and the !!! as well.

American is a tough accent to copy well, there are many ways to do it, but they all sound rubbish :D

There is no one American accent just as there is no one British accent. I had a tough time when I first went to UK (RAF Mildenhall) in the early 70s getting accostomed to the accent. At first you all in UK might as well have been speaking Chinese.

exactly, i love how the way americans think we british speak, is nothing like the way people actually speak (english actors dont actually sound like most english people)

Happy Turkey Day :)

except for the turkeys of course :)

btw, isn't it racist to call that bird a turkey these days?


just extrapolating from the nonsense brainfarts of the PC crowd, you'd get that you're cooking a turkey which is an insult to Turks who come from Turkey and therefore racist.

just extrapolating from the nonsense brainfarts of the PC crowd, you'd get that you're cooking a turkey which is an insult to Turks who come from Turkey and therefore racist.

Oh yes, now I get it too :) I love to cook and eat Chili too.

just extrapolating from the nonsense brainfarts of the PC crowd, you'd get that you're cooking a turkey which is an insult to Turks who come from Turkey and therefore racist.

how the hell can that be racist, if thats racist then eating black pudding must be racist, as must be white brad, english breakfast, french toast ,ebelgian waffles

turkey doesnt even come from turkey i dont think

you are an idiot

commented: Brrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliant +13
commented: he is an idiot +4
Member Avatar for iamthwee

>then eating ... white brad

Wouldn't that be considered cannibalism - and I don't think Angelina Jolie would be to happy either?

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