Hi everybody... can I come in? ;)

My name is Doc. I used to be a programmer and system analyst back in the 80's and I really enjoyed my job... was good at it too but, when "they" gave me the roll of a hiring and firing head counter I did not enjoy it any longer and decided to pursue a career in music instead.
I have since been a guitarist / composer / producer etc.
I am visually impared which is why I have this lame black spot avatar... it helps me navigate my way around a bit... kinda' like a white stick... lol

I have decided to get back into confusers and design / develop some web sites which I have in mind, primarily for guitar players and the music industry and I have been hard at it for about a year now. Still a long way to go. :)

Look forward to meeting y'all.

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Great reasons for coming to Daniweb...welcome.

Great reasons for coming to Daniweb...welcome.

thanx zeroth

Welcome to the forum! Wow, from programmer to musician, and back to programmer (web), that's impressive!

That's a nice introduction post, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here.

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