smakos is my name i am a finial year student of one of the universities of UK and and i and my project is to develop portal for a secondary school and my scope is
For parents to be able to register their children on-line.
The ability for students to source information on-line.
The ability for parents to check their child’s/ward’s performances and grades online.
The ability for teachers to input and edit students records, but because of time i have narrowed it down to student mgm system which can be used to store the student's marks and check there status by there name or roll no; can be updated by adding features like checking progress or downfall in study of a student but i am having errors pleases please some one should help me out i have just only but next week to summit the project attached are the codes

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Which university?

um its not attatched?

The university is the open university of UK, please help me out for my time is ruining out below is the code

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