Hi, I am in AZ and like to play WOW. Hopefully I can get some help on here about my computer screen. When you turn it on you hear it starting up but the screen stays black, and you see a white arrow that is moved by the mouse. I tried hooking up another monitor and I still had the black screen with the white arrow. I sure hope someone can suggest something for me.



Alex, am patrick Kauro in Kenya. Ur pc problem seems less with the
monitor but more on the system unit right from the port at which the data bus to the monitor is connected. Check the FOLLOWING:
- VGA card for possible malfundtionality or driver updates(afrom device manager)
-monitor settings on the display options from the control panel

Hope this helps!

Alex, am patrick Kauro in Kenya. Ur pc problem seems less with the
monitor but more on the system unit right from the port at which the data bus to the monitor is connected. Check the FOLLOWING:
- VGA card for possible malfundtionality or driver updates(afrom device manager)
-monitor settings on the display options from the control panel
-Check the possible blockages on the port of data bus connection

Hope this helps!

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