Hello to all, it looks like a great forum.

I found this forum while at Google trying to find answers to a particular error message and as to why my PC keeps suddenly rebooting for no apparent reason.

No answers yet except Microsoft's error report saying serious unrecoverable hardware failure and point to, Ram (which I've tested), PSU, CPU, or System Board.

So I'm struggling along at the moment hoping to find a less expensive answer than a new PC.

I look forward to familiarising myself with the forums.


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All 5 Replies

Hi Jade

Welcome to DaniWeb, you've certainly come to the best place for help that I know of online. Take a look around the various Tech Talk forums and post details of your precise problem in the most appropriate sub-forum there. I'm sure plenty of people will do their best to get to the bottom it all for you.

Thank you Davey,

Yes, I'll make sure I have a good look around before I post and make sure I post in the right place.

I'll try to be concise as possible. Thank you for your welcome, I look forward to getting to know everyone. It seems like a really great community.

Best wishes

Hello to all, it looks like a great forum.

I found this forum while at Google trying to find answers to a particular error message and as to why my PC keeps suddenly rebooting for no apparent reason.

No answers yet except Microsoft's error report saying serious unrecoverable hardware failure and point to, Ram (which I've tested), PSU, CPU, or System Board.

So I'm struggling along at the moment hoping to find a less expensive answer than a new PC.

I look forward to familiarising myself with the forums.


Well I am not an expert in hardware but I can give a safe suggestion. 1. Remove the BIOS battery and remove the RAM, then give a start to
computer. Remember, start and then switch off in 5 -10 seconds.
2. Now insert the BIOS battery and RAM safely and restart the computer.
Please do not hurry while following these steps. It should work.
Wish you luck
arshi ali khan



Hello to all, it looks like a great forum.

I found this forum while at Google trying to find answers to a particular error message and as to why my PC keeps suddenly rebooting for no apparent reason.

No answers yet except Microsoft's error report saying serious unrecoverable hardware failure and point to, Ram (which I've tested), PSU, CPU, or System Board.

So I'm struggling along at the moment hoping to find a less expensive answer than a new PC.

I look forward to familiarising myself with the forums.


Just for my information, have you tried a diagnostic program like Sisoft's Sandra? It may give a bit more insight...

I'm not primarily a PC person, although I've worked with everything since Windows 95... Would you be able to reinstall things if it isn't a CPU or MoB problem??


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