A quik hello from a simple aussie guy, with little knowledge of computers, especially now that i have problem. Thus i ended up here for HELP.

Hello there, what problems are you experiencing so far? Initially, using a computer (with a little knowledge) may seem overwhelming....but in time you'll be fine. Just let us know what difficulties yyou are having and we'll be more than happy to assist you. Cheer up M8.

well ty, crunchie is just guiding me gettin rid of anasty trojan, fingas crossed huh, computers a just a lil daunting, all good wen things are runnin well, but wen things go pearshape omg.
anyways thanks for the welcome n im sure ull here from me again as i learn the cyberworld.

If anyone can help you, crunchie can. He is an amazing asset to DaniWeb when it comes to helping folk with their computer nasties!

Welcome aboard, by the way.

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