Hey everyone. I just thought I could ask here...does anyone know how does LogMeIn work? I've done some googling and all I've found is the "how to set up a LogMeIn account" help or something like it.

Have you ever used it? You can actually see the screen of the remote computer. And if you were sitting there, in front of that computer, you'd see how someone is controling it remotely. I have to say I'm amazed. Maybe this is pretty old stuff just taken a step further with the Web 2.0 gibberish, and I know there's been software for about some time that does almost the same thing (pcAnyware, Windows Remote Desktop, etc) but still, how it all seamlessly works...I just need to know; maybe the basics...maybe the whole deal!

if someone just could answer me...


sure does,you logon from their website,look for the pc that has the logmein software on it,there you are.
It works fairly well,I have used it.
you can try it for free.

Just like PC Anywhere. I ran it on my ppc-6700 pda phone for a while as a test. Worked very well and relatively fast on my EV connection.

what exactly do you want to know? because there is a load of info, starting with VNC principles, continuing into the good old netbus code and onwards to Citrix and webex

what exactly do you want to know? because there is a load of info, starting with VNC principles, continuing into the good old netbus code and onwards to Citrix and webex

Exactly. That's the kind of stuff I'm interested! Virtual Network Computing? netbus? Citrix? Webex? How do they get integrated into the final interface we know?

those are all different technologies. logmein, AFAIK uses the citrix protocol to connect you to the remote control daemon from the website. your connection to the website is ssl128 encrypted, and the channel to the controlled pc is encrypted under ssl256

anyhow, instead of asking on forums, just read the wiki on vnc and the links from there as well

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