If you're in the SEO industry, most likely you're familiar with the Search Engine Roundtable at www.seroundtable.com, a blog / feed of all of the webmaster forums around.

However, I just clicked on the "Forums" tab tonight to find my familiar list of other webmaster forums gone. In its place is what seems to be a new vBulletin forum of less than 200 threads.

I'm curious to see if this new seo forum will ever take off.

Guess this is old news - it appears the forum is nearly a month old already.

Even though it's been around for a while, I think it's a good resource. Their content is great and they keep up with industry news and trends.

It's only three weeks to a month old - I'm not THAT out of the loop ;)

A month is a long time on the net! ;-)

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