Hi All

I need some HELP. I am running WIN 2000 Server, tried to change hard drive but decided not to, I am now getting a paging file error how can I fix this.

It is not booting up for me to change the size.

If your server won't boot and you are getting the dreaded no page file found error that just
cycles you through the log in screen try this. Get a Windows 98 boot floppy and type fdisk /mbr. The problem could be with drive letter changes in the master boot record. This will give you a new maste boot record and let Windows reassign drive letters. This seems to work for FAT FAT32, and NTFS file systems. You can also run the fixmbr command from your install CD.

Hi All

I need some HELP. I am running WIN 2000 Server, tried to change hard drive but decided not to, I am now getting a paging file error how can I fix this.

It is not booting up for me to change the size.

Welcome to daniweb mate. You have post your issue in wrong section, post it to technical section. Right there you will find best answer of your question

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