Hello and Thanks in Advance to Everyone!
I need your help. I am a young woman looking to get started in the world of Computers ___? I made a blank because I am honestly unsure of what area I want to study. Let me just say, that I am artistically challenged (not good AT ALL) when it comes to design....I prefer the more "technical" side of computers....but no hardware! I enjoy HTML, so any suggestions on similar languages and career options will be so helpful! Also, any suggestions on the nest books, online tutorials, etc. for complete beginners would be awesome. I look forward to being a long-time member of this forum, and getting to chat with you guys, as I learn more and more everyday.


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Hello there! I am a lady as well going into computers :) so far I am working on a Bachelor's in Computer Science..

Coming from experience with different courses, with HTML and actual programming languages that work with websites are like: Perl and CSS as well as Javascript. There are much more out there but I believe your best bet is trying the Web Development, where you're able to program web sites.

I would definitely look into that and ask your Advisor or even your professor that taught you HTML in your course.

Also, for beginners on web development would be www.w3schools.com they are wondrous on teaching and giving examples online (for free) on how to program in javascript as well as perl. You'll find more on there on the website when you visit :)

I hope this helps and good luck!

hi girly girl, i am guy some what into comps alot mostly programming network security however if u want more in this field ake bsc.comp science it will give u a snick pick into every thing then u might choose what u want depending on ur interests..On the HTML issue do some CSS on it once ur good on that try out JAVA SCRIPT and to put some life in it PHP would do it..

THANKS guys, Yeah strawberry coder I was thinking web programming as well!

Hello CompFreakGirl7, nice to meet you :D

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