Hello! I am a final year student at the University of Mauritius and I am currently working on a project related to facial recognition for computer security.
My idea of the project is to build a software to replace the traditional Windows XP password logon screen by one requesting a biometrics(face detection) authentication.
While reading some papers about related work, I found out that such systems are usually coded in Visual Basic or Matlab. I am already familiar with VB; and am willing to learn any other language which would enable me to develop the software.
But I cannot understand how i am supposed to replace the Windows logon screen by the new software. Can anyone please tell me about the different components/development kits I will be needing and the most appopriate language to build this type of software?
Thank You!

I hope you realize that you need 3D image correlation for that. This means you need two cameras ... entering password or fingerprint is much more faster than what you are trying.

2D face recognition can be easily beaten by a picture of the person.


: ]

I am actually working on a 2D face recognition project; which I think is going to be sufficient for me at this stage. But I read there are numerous face detection algorithms which have a very high rate of success isn't it?

My major concern right now is to understand how to bypass the built-in Windows logon and load the software at that point. I have read about winlogon.exe and msgina.dll. Can anyone elaborate?


I also looking for that solution, I need to bypass the Windows logon screen and replace it with my own.

If any one got the solution, please send it to me by e-mail:nassirama@hotmail.com.


commented: Dumb dumb dumb. Don't ask for people to email you. -1
Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

May be Lenovo had developed facial recognition try to find out in her notebooks.

good day i am currently developing a project that needs a biometrics to log in their time shift,
can anyone help me to know
on how the process of the system should be or the logic must be use in developing it thx ^^

both this thread as that article are pretty out-of-date.
I doubt many IT people out there still have Windows XP or 2000 running on their primary machine :)

There is already a product that does this...

Lenovo Veriface?

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