Is Twitter really useless?

GuyClapperton 0 Tallied Votes 154 Views Share

The Twitter controversy rages on, by the looks of things. In the UK the latest influencer to condemn the micro blogging service is one Matthew Gwyther, who edits Management Today, one of our major management sites.

He's written about how useless the service is because, among other things, you can't find a narrative among all the Tweets. His editorial is here.

OK, many of the reactions have been predictable. He's misunderstood the idea, he doesn't know what he's talking about, he just has an editorial to fill - you could, quite frankly, fill in the Twitter advocate response yourself. My own experience is that I've had commissions and work come in that wouldn't have done so if not for Twitter, so never mind balanced research, it works for me and I'm staying.

What's a lot more interesting, and needs to inform Internet marketers and content producers in whatever medium they inhabit - including Gwyther - is that people are finding it useful (fact) and many haven't noticed that there's no overarching narrative. Let's be objective for a moment. If you haven't got a narrative and something still works, there's no point in objecting - you've discovered that the narrative element, in certain contexts at least, isn't necessary. It's redundant, you can do without it.

Rather than complain about this, I'd suggest someone with more resources than I have should be doing some research to find out exactly what people are responding to so positively. If it doesn't fit a preconceived idea of how things should look then it's possible that it's the idea that's wrong, not the new social network.

Over to you, Mr. Gwyther.

Aviqc 0 Newbie Poster

Curious, I subscribed to twitter just days ago. So far, I find it strangely ressembles Instant Messaging, or IRC. For the news links, it's like RSS threads.
The advantage, I suppose, is that I can link from followers to followings to more follows to make up a big list of people I am connected to but will never meet. Sort of a giant watercooler (waterhole) without the make-up and the fancy ties. How lonely can you get ? It's time to take the kids out to the park!

GuyClapperton 12 Staff Writer

I agree with a lot of that. It's been very useful to me professionally and I've met a few people I wouldn't if not for Twitter - but as a social-only thing you'd be crazy to rely on it.

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