Hi all!,
Due to the high costs of other image manipulation programs such as adobe photoshop, I began to look at alternative programs for image manipulation.
I recently found the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). which is a

"... freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages."

I don't know ANYONE who uses it, and I don't know whether it's due to anonymity or infamousness.

I was wondering if anyone know about it, and whether or not it is a good program for web design graphics...

Soral 3.0

i use it, and it by far the best one out there, some put it as the freeware version of photoshop. I used to use it alot, but then i got fireworks and now thats what i use for my web design/development.

heres some gimp related websites:


http://www2.arnes.si/~sopjsimo/gimp/stable.html -->this is to a download site, the gimp.org site tries to point you to a pay to use version, this is the free version, and totally legit, since gimp is open source their are couple diff versions, this is by far the best of them, and most worked on version. with the nicest UI, and most support for.

I d/led my copy of the GIMP from that very website -- it looks very powerful.
- Thanks for showing me the tutorial websites I will be sure to check them out.

But, is it good for web graphics? I know that fireworks is a great program designed just for web graphics, but it's got a hefty price tag on it...
I was wondering if the GIMP will suffice as a web graphics program?
Like, can it slice images for CSS?
Soral 3.0

what exactly does Photoshop do that GIMP doesn't? And vice versa, what does GIMP have that Photoshop doesn't?

I use photoshop a lot - but it would be cool if I could start using GIMP - anything to avoid the high adobe prices in the future.

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