I just got Studio MX 2004 delivered. It says it is the education version on the box, my question is can I use it to create Web-sites, Multimedia, Graphics, ect, for business purposes, or because it is an educational version, i wont be able to use it for business?

you can, whilst in education, atleast that's my understanding

Sorry guys.

Have been using Max for years, as far as I know or can remember undr no circumstances can you use educ paclages for business. You can check this out by going to Discreets Site. I believe there is a marker placed in each completed file. Also try 3D Cafe

Sorry guys.

Have been using Max for years, as far as I know or can remember undr no circumstances can you use educ paclages for business. You can check this out by going to Discreets Site. I believe there is a marker placed in each completed file. Also try 3D Cafe

Ok what is the addresses to those sites? Will I have to purchase the regualr versions for business use?

Sorry Blade it is a real bummer, the reg program package is very expensive, however its programming ability is phenomenal... you try www.discreet.com its part of Autocad
and very professional. 3Dmax is a very complex program and takes ages to really come to grips with all of its features... 3D Max seems an overkill solely for Web design work.

If you outline what you are trying to do I may be able to suggest other programs which will do the job at far less expense.

I am Just trying to get out into the the field of web development, and hopfully do some freelancing before I graduate. I am curious though, how can I not use those educational programs for business purposes?

OK But why use Max ??? What are you trying to achieve ?? It takes ages to get a real good feel to utilise Max properly. Many students are drawn into Max and in the end they are disapointed because it takes so long to master. It is a pros package, diffrent if you are going to continue to use it for a few years, if not it can be a waste of time.

Do you have any plans for the Max prog ??

I use a wide range of programs from MX to Adobe, I use MX because i have been using it for a year, its the only way i know besides straight code, but thats only web. I use flash for multimedia files and animations.

Its sounds as though you have a grip on what you want to do, so getting back to your original question Educ for Business, it comes down to you whether you want to take the risk ??? Its your choice.

i am curious as to what the risk is?

Good question, I am not sure myself I have never had to address that issue, perhaps somebody else can give some clarification on the subject. From that point on you have stumped me.

Good question, I am not sure myself I have never had to address that issue, perhaps somebody else can give some clarification on the subject. From that point on you have stumped me.

First off thank you Zypher for your help, does anyone out there know the consequences of getting caught using Studio Mx 2004, for business web-sites, or business purposes. Finally to Zypher, what are some pf the programs you said you would mention that are much cheaper than Mx?

Macromedia can sue you for violation of the agreement you agreed to and they may also declare to receive all money made by the products produced in their program;) As far as use for business websites is unclear, i know for a fact that 99% of all education versions of programs strictly prohibute the use of their product to make money or for things made in the program to be sold. I would contact Macromedia for a definite answer but be warned if using educational programs to make a profit you will have much legal troubles ahead of you...

Sorry Blade were you talking about 3D Studio Max or Macromedia ?

I am so used to working in 3D that I presumed you meant 3Dstudio Max.

If its Macromedia stuff I agree with antonbomb22 leave well alone.

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