In mx Flash MX 2004 (Pro) where can one set the option to stop the flash site from automatically adjusting it’s size to the (internet)browser’s window…

When I open my flash site with (for instance) internet explorer and I increase/decrease the window size, my flash site automatically adjusts its size. Other flash sites do not have this (because it screws up the graphics a little) so could someone please tell my how to stop this…

Sorry for my bad English, I’m Belgian (Dutch) and thanks for your time!

Grtz, DivSen

In mx Flash MX 2004 (Pro) where can one set the option to stop the flash site from automatically adjusting it’s size to the (internet)browser’s window…

When I open my flash site with (for instance) internet explorer and I increase/decrease the window size, my flash site automatically adjusts its size. Other flash sites do not have this (because it screws up the graphics a little) so could someone please tell my how to stop this…

Sorry for my bad English, I’m Belgian (Dutch) and thanks for your time!

Grtz, DivSen

Just use the publisher settings.

And size the window to how you want.

that works for the HTML file,
but where in the FLASH publisher settings can you find that option?


I don't believe that you can have Flash force to be a certain size. What you need to do is put the Flash inside an element that you can set to a certain size. The best way to do this is to set the height and width elements of the object tag that you are using to add the Flash file to the site.

I don't believe that you can have Flash force to be a certain size. What you need to do is put the Flash inside an element that you can set to a certain size. The best way to do this is to set the height and width elements of the object tag that you are using to add the Flash file to the site.

100% correct.

I am saying for the Publisher settings and the resizing of your document use the publishers settings.

ANYTHING else must be done at the elemet level.

You can also edit the html after publish the flash, Put 100% in html code

ok thx for your time guys

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