Hi There;
I try to design a web site. There are many pages in my web site and I linked them altogether. But there are constant buttons must be existed in different pages. I mean there are buttons namely, "Home" , "About" .. vs in different HTML pages . I do not write to codes of constant buttons in every HTML pages. How can I handle this?

Thanks in advance.

you gonna have to use some server side technology to do that. for instance in php you define a header.php file, footer.php file and put common elements there. Then on content pages like aboutus.php you simply include header.php and footer.php in proper places.. have a look on w3schools for php include, its not difficult

you gonna have to use some server side technology to do that. for instance in php you define a header.php file, footer.php file and put common elements there. Then on content pages like aboutus.php you simply include header.php and footer.php in proper places.. have a look on w3schools for php include, its not difficult

I couldn't see it in w3schools , can you please give link?

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