Hey all.
I'm doing a new project in AS3 to try and learn more (I've only every used AS2), and I'm having some problems...
Whenever I run the program as it is, it tells me (Output Window) that my Keyboard events don't do anything? I have almost 101 lines of code, and probably 90% of it are under the KeyboardEvent scripts...
Anyways, here's what I have so far.


import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;

var left:uint = 37;
var up:uint = 38;
var right:uint = 39;
var down:uint = 40;
var Choice:Number = 0;
var SYS:Number = 0;


function CONTROLz(e:KeyboardEvent) {
    if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER) {
        if (SYS == 0) {
        } else {
//          if(Choice = 1){
//          PicMC.gotoAndPlay("");
//          }
//          if(Choice = 2){
//          PicMC.gotoAndPlay("");
//          }
    if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN) {
        Choice = Choice + 1;
        if (Choice == 11) {
            Choice = 10;
        if (Choice == 0) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -213.7;
        if (Choice == 1) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -176.7;
        if (Choice == 2) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -141.6;
        if (Choice == 3) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -100.7;
        if (Choice == 4) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -64.7;
        if (Choice == 5) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -27.6;
        if (Choice == 6) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 13.3;
        if (Choice == 7) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 47.3;
        if (Choice == 8) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 83.3;
        if (Choice == 9) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 122.3;
        if (Choice == 10) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 158.3;
    if (e.keyCode==up) {
        Choice = Choice - 1;
        if (Choice == -1) {
            Choice = 0;
        if (Choice == 0) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -213.7;
        if (Choice == 1) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -176.7;
        if (Choice == 2) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -141.6;
        if (Choice == 3) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -100.7;
        if (Choice == 4) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -64.7;
        if (Choice == 5) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = -27.6;
        if (Choice == 6) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 13.3;
        if (Choice == 7) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 47.3;
        if (Choice == 8) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 83.3;
        if (Choice == 9) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 122.3;
        if (Choice == 10) {
            CharList.SHINE.y = 158.3;

I know that I'm using two different keyCode systems at the moment, but neither solve the problem.
The ONLY issue is that somewhere in my variables code I have derped up, because everything else works perfectly. Even the Enter key for now...

Nevermind... Truns out that I had names SHINE through the Library's Linkage option instead of setting an instance Name, so the code couldn't find SHINE in Charlist, just SHINE in the library.... >~>

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