54 Topics

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Member Avatar for igotdreams

[B]A Brief History[/B] I like to call this my instant call back feature. Basically I knew that you can send a text message to your phone through email. So I said to myself, "self, why not send yourself the text message through a web form through some type of sendmail …

Member Avatar for smsala
Member Avatar for Trevor_4

i need to get a out put of the array in my code that will display every time the counter counts and has to be linked to a random number. import flash.utils.Timer; var color: Array = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"]; var rand: Number; var counter = 0; var myTimer: Timer …

Member Avatar for Trevor_4
Member Avatar for negitron
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I'm currently in the middle of making a VB.NET project. I want to have the VB.NET project control the actions of the Flash projector. (Stop, play, change text of text control in the Flash projector, etc.) This is a one way control however, nothing about the SWF projector will interact …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sws_1

how can i make an Online Highscore Leaderboard For A flash cc Game -android platform ? i make offline leaderboard using share object var SCORE:uint = 0; //positve numbers gameScore.text = String(SCORE); ... var soSavedScNa:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("aaa"); // // //**Object var savedSN:Object = soSavedScNa.data.nameScore; // Set the varible 'savedSN' // …

Member Avatar for bugz313
Member Avatar for aseel.jaradat.9
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm trying to reuse an old Flash file that my client wants on his website however I'm using Flash CC now, and the existing code does not funtion in ActionScript3. I can't see why this won't work. Any advise would be greatly appreciated function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number { var randomNum:Number = …

Member Avatar for himanshu.1691

i tried to mimic the code of a tutorial for a live updatable table....dat is connected to the MYSQL server .... i copied it and edited it a bit...but its not working... i was not able to understand the code so dont knw where the problem is here is the …

Member Avatar for nikkitata
Member Avatar for Nicolas_1

I have problems posting my form when I redirect with javascript. After I submitted my form the first time, you can choose to submit again, this will redirect you to the same form as before with the script below: <script> $(function() { $("#dialog").dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, buttons: { "Yes": …

Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, I have recently made a ajax script that works completely. It updates the database as required on click of the FU anchor. In the middle of the form I also have a yes | no option that copies the billing address to the shipping address, which also works. …

Member Avatar for Ralf_1
Member Avatar for FaisalSarfraz

Hi all!! I am building a media player in flex that uses video streaming through rtmp:// I want to get its bandwidth usage but found out that we can't get bytes loaded for video streaming. Is there any way to get it through php or js? I mean php gets …

Member Avatar for Udeme_1

I am very confused with the pagination system of my site, the site consist two services android games and movies but in each they all have their categories for example the android games has categories as follows: * ANDRIOD GAMES * 1. Arcade 2. Sports 3. Action 4. Adventure 5. …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for salman4aslam

This is my code for jquery script [code] // $Id: jquery.js,v 1.6 2006/12/23 21:46:35 dries Exp $ eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?"":e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('l(1l 1x.6=="Q"){1x.Q=1x.Q;u 6=q(a,c){l(a&&1l a=="q"&&6.C.21&&!a.1G&&a[0]==Q)v 6(Y).21(a);a=a||Y;l(a.3n)v 6(6.1Q(a,[]));l(c&&c.3n)v 6(c).1X(a);l(1x==7)v 1m 6(a,c);l(1l a=="24"){u m=/^[^<]*(<.+>)[^>]*$/.3c(a);l(m)a=6.3F([m[1]])}7.2a(a.14==2o||a.D&&a!=1x&&!a.1G&&a[0]!=Q&&a[0].1G?6.1Q(a,[]):6.1X(a,c));u C=15[15.D-1];l(C&&1l C=="q")7.V(C);v 7};l(1l $!="Q")6.3W$=$;u $=6;6.C=6.8h={3n:"1.0.4",66:q(){v 7.D},1S:q(2R){v 2R==Q?6.1Q(7,[]):7[2R]},2a:q(64){7.D=0;[].1q.17(7,64);v 7},V:q(C,1h){v 6.V(7,C,1h)},8k:q(1j){u 2h=-1;7.V(q(i){l(7==1j)2h=i});v 2h},1r:q(1I,11,B){v 1I.14!=3X||11!=Q?7.V(q(){l(11==Q)J(u E 1z 1I)6.1r(B?7.1o:7,E,1I[E]);G 6.1r(B?7.1o:7,1I,11)}):6[B||"1r"](7[0],1I)},1a:q(1I,11){v 7.1r(1I,11,"3j")},2D:q(e){e=e||7;u t="";J(u j=0;j<e.D;j++){u …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for cpchc

Hi there, I have encountered a strange bug. I have buttons advancing one frame forward and back. It works in the SWF on its own, it works in both the .app and .exe projector files, but it does not work accessing the SWF via the HTML generated page. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kyberno

Greetings...! I have this admob code in a class file: package { import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.system.System; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.desktop.NativeApplication; import flash.utils.setTimeout; import com.hdi.nativeExtensions.NativeAds; import com.hdi.nativeExtensions.NativeAdsEvent; public class Main extends MovieClip { public var na : NativeApplication; private var admobId:String = 'a1514b5ef85e336'; public function …

Member Avatar for assassasshole99

Hi, when I change an animation on the player, it flashes before it changes. The method I'm using to change the animation is crude, but its all I know, so I don't even know if there's a better way. I made a player class, and I have a function to …

Member Avatar for crapgarden

In actionscript 3.0, when working with Arrays what is the difference between INDEX and KEY?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lhsunshine

My website is using asp.net with c#. Recently i am adding a new function by adding a flash webcam photo capture. In local it can function well, it can capture photo, save into database, and display the photo. However, after deploy it cannot funtion well on my server. The webcam …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Despairy

Hi, I'm having a problem with the stop() and play() functions The first frame function works fine during the first run of the program but as i hit space in the last frame ( go back to frame 0 ) the first frame function saying whether to stop or play …

Member Avatar for Azmah

In Flash, I have created an invisible button. I can ad some actionscript to make the button to go to another scene, even if it's on hover! (which isn't meant to be. Yet, how do I get it so that when it hovers, it goes to another scene immediately. Are …

Member Avatar for almondjoy
Member Avatar for 3.5.0-17

Couldn't find an actionscript section so I hope this is the next best section for such discussion. I'm trying to create an isometric game in adobe builder with AS3 along with the As3IsoLib isometric library. Currently upon clicking a unit you want to move I've got four boxes to popup …

Member Avatar for kx220

Hi, I am creating a sort of zombie game. The concept is if the player gets too close within a distance, the zombie will chase the player. There will be a hit detection when the zombie object hits the player object. I used a trace statement for when it hits. …

Member Avatar for kx220
Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I have not touch flash in years and decided to brush up on it once more. I notice I have forgotten a lot of things. I created the look that I want in flash but I am having problem what to do next once a person hit the submit …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Cronicle8

Good afternoon, I'm trying to develepop an app which requiers to read a QRCode, any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for Cronicle8

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a thermometer, i do have an idea of how to make it, not sure if it is correct, but here it goes: I have an image of a thermometer, and i would apply a mask(Rectangle), and it's width and X would vary. I'm …

Member Avatar for Ab000dy_85
Member Avatar for MaxRevenge

i made a couple of buttons in photoshop. then i animated them in flash cs3. as in when u click them they look pressed and look normal otherwise. then i played them in vb6 form using the shockwave flash control. thats all pretty and good. but thing is when i …

Member Avatar for razamughal67

Hello everyone we search many days to create a php mail contact form in flash 8 and after all we cannot make this Acually we want to add more fields in my flash contact form please anybody help How to more fields we use this Action Scripts in Flash and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Hey all. I'm doing a new project in AS3 to try and learn more (I've only every used AS2), and I'm having some problems... Whenever I run the program as it is, it tells me (Output Window) that my Keyboard events don't do anything? I have almost 101 lines of …

Member Avatar for RedexProGamma
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi! I'm still new to Actionscript 3.0 and was wondering if you could help me please. I'm trying to do a registration form in flash. The user entering his name/email/password and I want to save that value to a variable and return that. The error says that my return type …

Member Avatar for crapgarden

[I]FYI - I'm coding in actionscript 3.0 but didn't see an area to post for that language.[/I] I made a simple character and a block. I'm trying to get it so that if the character will touch the box, it wont let him move to imply a wall/collision. I've got …

Member Avatar for mrnutty

The End.