`enter code here`I am working on a jquery mobile html5 application.I have various pages with page id-"page1"...

Onclick of button i want a parameter to be passed with the function on which the navigation will be taking place.

for ex

<input type="button" data-transition="fade" value="Next"  onclick="checkIfValid('2');"
                            data-icon="arrow-r" data-iconpos="right">

so it redirects to the correct page...

how can i modify the 

function checkIfValid(page){
                var pag=page;
                switch (page){
                    case '2': alert('hi');
                    if ($('#page2').data('bValidator').validate())
                        $.mobile.changePage('#page3', { transition: "slideup" })
                        return true;
                    } else
                        return false;
                    case '3': if ($('#page3').data('bValidator').validate())
                        $.mobile.changePage('#page4', { transition: "slideup" })
                        return true;
                    } else
                        return false;



in order to make it more dynamic 
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