I was wondering if it is possible to write a program in C or C++(maybe even Visual Basic, as i m more experienced with that programming language) to convert a .wav file into bytes and save the same file as a text file.
I am a Visual Basic programmer and have little (almost no) knowledge about C or C++ programming. Please Help.

By far, I have achieved success in only loading up the .wav file in Visual Basic. I am still wanting to learn how to extract data from the wav file using Visual Basic

You aren't going to save a binary file as a text file.

The question is: do you want to make a binary dump of the file (displaying the hexadecimal code for the content of each byte as text), or separate out the bytes themselves, leaving them in numeric form?

In VB, use the hex$(byte1) function to turn a byte's internal value (byte1) into the text representing that value. The result is a string with two hexadecimal digits.

i just want to convt the .wav file with RIFF header and insert it into SQL Server using C++ in byte form, not in .NET platform.

I want to convert wav file into bytes and then read it..plz can you help me to implement this using C#..i would be very thankful for your cooperation..I'l be presenting my proj in few days so i need to implement this as soon as possible.

I want to convert wav file into bytes and then read it..plz can you help me to implement this using C#..i would be very thankful for your cooperation..I'l be presenting my proj in few days so i need to implement this as soon as possible.

I'm sorry to have to say this to you, but HTML and CSS are not capable of doing much of anything with your wav files except playing them, and what I really meant to say is that you are in the wrong section of the forum.

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