ok heres the deal i got 2 harddrives on my computer whe with 14g and another with 140 or somting. the on with 14 in now full causew i was load things to that dirve not hinking well now its full. so is the hardrive really one and splut into 2 or is it 2 . can i move memeory from the full one to the empty one is what im aksing?? or should i just startd loading thing s ont he empty one which i dont feel like doing.

Well it is probably 2 drives because that would be sort of a weird partition. I would just install things on the second drive just change the install path from C:/ to whatever the empty drives name is. It doesn't really matter because 140 gb is alot of space so the only way you could run out of space or not be able to install on it is if the drive has another OS installed on it like linux.

Also heres a tip when writing a post make sure you write in a way that people can read and not full of gramatical errors and mispelled words.

Ok so you are asking if you can move files from one hard drive to the other, right. You can move files from one hard drive to the other. Applications i would uninstall and then install them on the other hard drive. Back up the data that the program might have saved in the program's file folders. When you install all you have to do is say that you want to install it on the other hard drive when it asks what directory you want it to go in. I would leave all of the Windows files and things that are important on the original hard drive, b/c if you move those than the computer won't work.

No dark he didint ask that he wants to move space from the secondary drive to the primary.

What r you talking about i never said i he wanted to move files from the secondary to the primary. I rad his post it said his primary was full and he wanted to make sapce and want to know if you could move files from one to the other.

well guys dont fight it was confusing agter i read it too. i asked both questions and they have been answered except the question if i can move memory from one drive to another and im going to guess no. i will just put stuff on the secondary to make it easir

yeah you cant move memory from one drive to another and we were only fighting because were brothers.

well mike ur the senoir techie so u should win all fights lol

I am the younger brother though. he just doesnt post anything here but people probably take my advice over his.

Actually there are ways to resize partitions, and transfer space to one from another, but they involve buying tools like Partition Magic, (now owned by Symantec, the makers of Norton products). Here's a link to their website:


There is also a trial version around, but I couldn't tell you what functionality is missing from it. Here's a URL to that:


i dont like buyibng things

Then you will have to find your own way, my friend.

...can i move memory from the full one to the empty one...

There's no such thing as "memory" on a hard drive (unless you're talking about the virtual memory swapfile). With that in mind, could you more clearly explain what you mean in your quote above?

ehh just forget it no biggie

ehh just forget it no biggie

Erm, OK- but knowing exactly what you meant could help other members who might have a question similar to yours and pull up this thread in a forum search.

Ok so you are asking if you can move files from one hard drive to the other, right. You can move files from one hard drive to the other. Applications i would uninstall and then install them on the other hard drive. Back up the data that the program might have saved in the program's file folders. When you install all you have to do is say that you want to install it on the other hard drive when it asks what directory you want it to go in. I would leave all of the Windows files and things that are important on the original hard drive, b/c if you move those than the computer won't work.

i can see this was posted a while ago but i googled it up and im in need of help. I bought a new computer yesterday and i had a relative install windows, he installed 2 harddrives on it and said i should save everything on the new one. The problem is all the original files are on /C so i tried copying it but it didnt copy all files. I am very confused, i hope i get an awnser to this even tho it was posted 2 years ago, please tell me what i am supposed to do to use the new harddrive like i used the old one and whats the point in having 2...

Hi please help me,

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