tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I just noticed that Apple has sold 150 million Ipods while Microsofts Zune has only sold 2 million. The Zune just recently let you put copyrighted videos onto it that happened about 2 months ago before that you could put barely any videos on a zune while you could on an Ipod. I also noticed that in 2007 Microsoft did not make the Amazons best list it was Linux and Apple that made the Amazons best list with the MacBook Pro getting the best review and called most frequently gifted. Without Bill Gates in the picture Microsoft seems to be losing it's game, every buyout Microsoft has ever tried to do they have done with no problems however Yahoo will not sell to them and I understand why with the insane 24 hour deadlines and the people that now represent Microsoft being to aggressive and not playing there cards right I can see the end of the Microsoft dynasty within the next 5 years or less. I see the big players in the future to be Apple and Redhat Operating Systems. I am not sure if Microsoft can recover with their head players making bad calls in the business game but they should if they want to stay on top in the computer world.

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