I posted awhile back trying to get help with a bad virus problem. I got help, but it could only be fixed so far it seems. And I ordered a laptop, so I left the computer as is... until now.

Since I'm getting my laptop soon (today). I'm wanting to get rid of this computer. So i'd like to reformat it.

Here's the problem.

When the HP screen loads up I hit F10.
The recovery loads as usual.
When it get's to the screen that would usually be the setup screen, another blue screen pops up saying "fatal error". Something like xc0000a14 or something. Then it stays on that screen and does nothing.

I really am tired of wasting my time with this computer. Was really hoping I could just reformat and be done with it. But alas, here I am again haha.

next time when u get BSOD ,note the exact error numbers , and post back here . it ll help us to figure out the problem .


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