
i wish to include the forum session in my site

i want the exact procedure and steps to be followed for the mod rewrite of urls.

the urls should describe the domain name followed by the forum name and then by the forum number that has been posted.

i.e. it should look like

http://www.site.com/forum/forum-1.(php/htm anyhting)
http://www.site.com/forum/forum-2.(php/htm anyhting)


can you please help me...........

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Here's the mod_rewrite I use to forward all things from my old addy to my new one and rerwite everything after the myurl.com portion. Place this in the directives for the virtual site or in .htaccess:

RewriteEngine on
	   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  ^youroldsite\.com$
	   RewriteRule ^(/)(.*)  http://yournewsite.com/$2 [R]
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