How can we determine the total memory used by LINUX?

Answer: It is always required to keep a check on the memory usage in order to find out whether the user is able to access the server or the resources adequately. There are roughly 5 methods that determine the total memory used by Linux.

This is explained as below:

Free command: This is the most simple command to check memory usage. For Example, ‘$ free –m’, the option ‘m' displays all the data in MBs.
/proc/meminfo: The next way to determine memory usage is to read /proc/meminfo file. For Example, ‘$ cat /proc/meminfo’
Vmstat: This command basically lays out the memory usage statistics. For Example, ‘$ vmstat –s’
Top command: This command determines the total memory usage as well as also monitors the RAM usage.
Htop: This command also displays memory usage along with other details.

commented: Upvoting just for making the effort to answer a "dead" question where the OP showed no interest in doing some research. +14
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