Recently I have decided to switch from Ubuntu linux to Freebsd and here I am going to outline why.
1. The Ubuntification of linux: Lately I have noticed a trend on social bookmarking sites, mainly digg, which have people posting articles with titles like "Ubuntu Tutorials" or something similar. In fact most of these articles apply to any distrubution and very few have anything even remotely ubuntu specific. So I dont like the idea that linux users are being so divided over distros and also that now people are starting to see ubuntu and not linux. I am all for the advancement of linux and other free and opensource operating systems, but not with sacrificing the core idea of the OS.
2. The GPL: This is another thing that bothers me about linux is that the gpl is so restrictive on everything you do has to be opensource because that is better and produces better results. However people dont respond to this obviously, I personallty believe some open source projects are better than there coporate rivals but they are few and far between. It is simple economics that people see price as quality and they judge the quality of a good or service by how much a firm is willing to spend on advertising. So I think the BSD license is a far better idea. Having opensource projects is great, but I think that if someone has a vast improvement to the source code they should be able to fork it and if they choose to sell it. Normally this does not effect me, but recently I would like to learn about how unix operating systems are built and hand core functions, and eventually try and build a simple os(like im not talking tomorrow but mb after college) and if it grows to be something good enough maybe use it for commercial use. I just dont think that making a complete port of firefox because of licensing of the logo is really necessary and its acts like this that just make you say why does it matter. There is probably a large number of linux users that dont even know they are using the gnu operating system not too many people say oh im using GNU/Linux they just say Linux.
3. Too many distros and repositories: I like the idea that FreeBSD is a simple implementation of unix and does not have as many distros and as many repositories to keep track of. The FreeBSD ports has something like 60,000 software packages in it which seems plenty to me. Also the packages are almost all one file extension which is a problem that is plaguing linux. I dont know how many times I couldnt find the deb of a program but found the rpm and when trying to install it have it fail or vice versa when I used Fedora Core. I think it is not good for the different distros of linux to become so different from each other. As I mentioned before people dont search for linux tutorials as much as they used to, if you want to find out how to recompile your kernel you gotta look up "Compiling the Kernel: The Ubuntu/Debian/Gentoo/Centos way".
4. If it is good enough for Apple: If the BSD kernel is good enough for Apple to steal and slap a pretty gui on it and call it Darwin it must be good enough for me. Yea I usually dont agree with anything Apple does. I hate the arrogance of Mac users mostly because a lot of them brag about their macs, but are not very computer literate and dont understand what they are bragging about. You can say that the avg PC (oh im sorry IBM compatible PC to be correct because Apple cant admit their computers are PC's further adding onto the incompetence of the mac users. Although apparently Sony thinks a vaio isnt a PC either, but no one has much stock in what Sony thinks these days.) user, but then again the average windows based PC user is nto bragging about it. Im sure Mac users are proud of their operating system with its pretty buttons and its "UNIX core" but how many know what unix it is and that their UNIX core would be better described as a UNIX-like core. Also a computer is all it is you dont have to make it a life style.
Ok so I think I outlined my points good enough, got a good ammount of Apple bashing in so im gonna call it a day.