I need help please. I have an ACER AM5620 desktop with a quad core and 4 gigs of RAM, 500 Gig HD (SATA). This is a fairly new HD installed approx 4 months ago. Now the pc will not boot into windows but will boot into safe mode. I have reinstalled all drivers, deleted suspect programs, removed viruses and spyware, etc and the pc still will not boot to Windows.

I have also tried to use the XP cd to do a repair install, everything seemed to go fine but now I am stuck in a reboot loop. I get to where the XP logon screen should come up and I get a blue screen saying setup is going to restart and it takes me back to the install of XP at the 39 minute left mark whether I insert the XP cd or not. Also can no longer get into SAFE MODE as setup is not finished it says. I have exhausted everything I can think of. PLEASE HELP.

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried a "clean" install ?

I am desperately trying not to format the HD. Wat too much data not backed up

install of XP at the 39 minute left mark whether I insert the XP cd or not. Also can no longer get into SAFE MODE as setup is not finished it says
above is one of the reasons they tell you to backup data before attempting a repair install,
i suggest removing the drive and slaving it in another computer to retrieve data and then try repair install again [make sure cd is clean and no scratches]or format and reload

Thanks Caperjack. I was hoping that someone would give me the miracle cure so that I wouldn't have to do that.

I am getting out my Knoppix cd as we speak

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