there is of course a way to put settings in your registry that will allow you to right-click on a dll or ocx file and then click Register or Unregister fromt the context menu. However, for those of you who don't like messing with your registry (or don't know how) , here's a simpler way to register/unregister:

Just find your regsvr32.exe file and place a shortcut to it in your Windows SendTo folder. Then copy it and in the Target property of the new shortcut, append a '/u' (no apostrophes) to the end of the exe name. Then you can change the names of these shortcuts to "Register" and "Unregister". Then when you right click on a file, just use the SendTo menu to perform your dirty work!

You can use this link to find any missing dll files
Dll files

Was looking for this info and ending up finding the following file that does this for you.

I didn't make it credits are included in file. Fine Job!! Hope they don't mind.

I wanted to register the winsck.ocx using regsvr32 command, but I'm getting the error always that "Load Library failed..". Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.

when registering the dll's use the following command

regsvr32.exe /s dll name

also make sure you are in the directory where the dll is and needs to be registered.

I downloaded the file and is working fine. Thank you

Looks interesting :)

Welcome to the site my friend!

sorry i'm dutch
i'm looking for dxtmeta2.dll and dxtmsft3.dll
bud i have vista and this dondt wandt to register this dll

What happens if you register it?? (Does vista then stop it from running?)

Good luck!

no vista give me a error
selected file could not loaded into memory

My questions:-----

1) How to find Registred dll files?
2 )Where these files are located in Registry?
3) What difference between COM dll and .NET dll files and how to find that registred dll differently?
4) How to find properies of dll files(registred) ?

Please anyone give answers of these que.s.

Thanks in Advance....................:S

Help me.........
for above que....s..........???????????????

Has anyone seen an error registering setupdll\setupdll.cpp? I can't seem to find anything on Google search. I also do not have a setupdll.cpp on my computer

hi i have compiled my dotnet code into a dll on windows 2003 std edition with vs2005.

Tired to register the dll on windows 2003 R2 std edition, but it fails and gives me an error saying "Microsoft.Office.IntropServices" cannot register the dll.

anyone provding me inputs how to resolve this.

"there is of course a way to put settings in your registry that will allow you to right-click on a dll or ocx file and then click Register or Unregister from the context menu. However, for those of you who don't like messing with your registry (or don't know how), here's a simpler way to register/unregister:"

No need to fiddle with your registry. Just open up Notepad, copy/paste the follow text to a new document, and save that document as a .reg file (eg DLL.REG). Make sure it does not have a .txt extension (eg DLL.REG.TXT). Then all you have to do is double-dlick on the .reg file to import it to your registry. Done. Right-click on any DLL or OCX file, and you should see the two added options, REGISTER and UNREGISTER. More elegant than using the SEND TO menu.











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