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Member Avatar for VernonDozier

Null pointer exceptions are unchecked (the documentation will never say that a method can throw it). So it could be thrown from one of the methods you call. Can you add [icode]ex.printStackTrace()[/icode] to the section of code where you check the NullPointerException and then run the program again? That should …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ

you need to import the classes that the compiler isn't finding. Right not you're only importing 3 classes.

Member Avatar for geek_till_itMHZ
Member Avatar for brianlevine

I'm having trouble getting ant to delete files. I'm working through a basic spring tutorial and it has included an ant target to clean the build: [CODE] <target name="clean" description="Clean Output Directories"> <delete> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="**/*.class"/> </fileset> </delete> </target> [/CODE] It seems pretty basic to me, but it's not …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for lordx78

I have to admit I'm not familiar with prefuse. But when I run jars from the command line I use >java -jar <jar name>

Member Avatar for fleure
Member Avatar for jorgeflorencio

There's got to be some good libraries/tools out there that do the charting part of this. Then all you'd need to do is parse the text file and pull out the information you want to chart, and feed it to the APIs. I haven't worked with any myself, but I've …

Member Avatar for jorgeflorencio
Member Avatar for IMtheBESTatJAVA

Here's a bit to get you started. SavingsAccount should extend Account CheckingAccount should extend Account SpecialCheckingAccount should extent CheckingAccount implement Account first, then override the methods in Account in the other three when you need different things to happen.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for trinitybrown

I personally use linux, because that's what's hosting my site, but it's certainly not mandatory. It may make some things easier, but probably not :) I think the main thing to remember is that file names are case sensitive on linux, but not windows, and that can cause errors if …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for chuck59

[QUOTE=abhicho;696016]i agree with ithelp. directory submissions do not help. i think link exchange better than directory submission.[/QUOTE] It may not help with page rank and stuff like that, but they can be useful by sending traffic your way from people who browse the directories. But I agree with earlier posters …

Member Avatar for jeight
Member Avatar for Matthew85

It's been a while since I used java random number generator, so hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe if you use the same seed for the Random number generator you'll get the same output each time. Is this what you want? What's the problem you're …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for The_Kermit

What problems are you running into? It sounds to me like some kind of recursion is the way to go. What's not working?

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for babusek

That runtime.exec stuff is a real pain to use with a lot of traps. Here's a great article that's helped me out a lot: [url][/url] It's a long read, but explains a lot. HTH.

Member Avatar for babusek
Member Avatar for ndumbo

Sounds like you need a web crawler. There are probably a lot out there that fit your needs. I'd look into one of those to find the URLs you need to count keywords in. You should look into the class. There's a toString method you can use to get …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for pablo25
Member Avatar for Koldsoul

Regular Expressions are a great tool, but probably overkill in this case. You can iterate character by character and use methods in the Character class to see if the current character is a letter, digit, whitespace, etc.

Member Avatar for Koldsoul
Member Avatar for W@n

Are you familiar with recursion? It would probably simplify things for you. And it's a good thing to learn about. But, for what you have now, your running into trouble because the "level" variable is getting incremented too often. Every time the tree branches and the branch has children then …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for roshansimon

Does it have to be recursive? Since it works on smaller polygons it sounds like the function is getting called too many times and you're running out of heap space. Depending on your needs the easiest thing would be to increase the heap. If you're running from the command line …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Grub

Assuming you only allow a single selection in the JTree you can use: JTree.getSelectionPath. It returns a TreePath which basically holds a list of the hierarchy that is selected. Then you can use TreePath.getLastPathComponent to get the name of the node you're looking for. HTH

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Tootlol

Yeah, it's a little hard to tell without seeing more, but I like talking out of my ass so... Saying the "upper bound" is just a fancy way of saying "how many lines of code". But in a more general way than that. Like if you've had an algorithms class, …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for 3DProf4online

Also, it's probably more important that the underlying mysql servers are the same version than the phpadmin version. But yeah, what priteas said.

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for codered152

You should look into the WindowAdapter class. It has a windowClosed method that you can override to keep track of when a window is closing. You'll need to subclass WindowApater and then add an instance of the class as a windowlistener to each of the Frames you create. Hope that …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Tyster

in showAllSeats, I'd change fn == "1294" to fn.equals ("1294") the double equals checks for object equality (i.e. the same object in memory) .equals() checks to see if it's the same string

Member Avatar for Tyster
Member Avatar for Dani

I've been developing a custom search for my site using lucene. I've found lucene fast and very flexible. I have a small site so the flexibility is more important to me than the speed. I messed around with sphinx a bit. There were a couple of restrictions on how the …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for Tris1

Scanner implements the Iterator interface. So you have to use next() to go to the next element somewhere inside your while loops. In other words the scanner is checking to see if there are more elements left. But you never move to the next element in your code.

Member Avatar for Tris1