FRin323 0 Newbie Poster

Hello all!
This is what my problem says: Using a sequence of MIPS instructions, create a new addressing mode that implements load-word or store word with auto-increment (by 4) of the address "after" the memory access where the syntax is:

lw $t1, imm16($t0)+

as far as code I have this much going but not sure it's correct:

la $t1, num_1 
la $t0, array_1

lw     $t1,0($t0)
addi  $v0,$zero,4
add   $t0,$t0,$v0

ori $v0,$zero,10
array_1:    .word    0xABCDEF01, 0x55AACC55 #....etc, etc.
num_1:      .word   0x55AACC55

I'm fairly new and I'm barely managing to get by. Any help would be greatly appriciated! Even links to get help! Thanks in advance!