Hey everyone i as a student of Computer Science need ideas for project in Operating System course......It is restricted to be on Linux and can be coded on only C/ C++......Please any ideas are welcome and reference material as well


Do something about how lazy kids can't ever come up with their own project ideas.
It's a sure winner, and you can use yourself as an example of just such a kid.

commented: LOL +19
commented: Nice! +2

I dont understand how can i use this idea for a Linux based Operating System project!

Write a scheduling algorithm for the OS.

Write a scheduling algorithm for the OS.

a homework scheduler :)

> a homework scheduler
Yeah, first the homework gets scheduled to be run on brain #1, but brain #1 is too dumb / lazy / thinking about the weekend.
So it tries to get the homework scheduled on brain #2 instead.

As long as one brain is on a different CPU...


Hemisphere:n Divides the brain into two equally redundant halves.

It might be dual core, but if the lazy.sys device driver is loaded, then not a lot happens for most of the time.

When it does eventually wake up, it's mostly concerned with loading fresh data through the cereal port :)

References for OS Scheduling algorithm would be welcome..... and also for kernel programming please ......... I am thinking of programming a small kernel with limited features and having Non preemptive scheduling algorithm........So any kind of help or reference material is welcome....!

And thanks everyone for the ideas!

the lack of that homework scheduler?

commented: LOL :) +19

Well em doing that but if u guyz do have anything that will help me please do share it with me!

Well em not creative enough thats why i post my querries like the above and in the link mentioned, they are of the same type .... yeah u r right it really suck out the life out of forums...... by the way thanks for the cure i will next time keep this in mind and then ask a question :)

References for OS Scheduling algorithm would be welcome..... and also for kernel programming please ......... I am thinking of programming a small kernel with limited features and having Non preemptive scheduling algorithm........So any kind of help or reference material is welcome....!

And thanks everyone for the ideas!

Read... an OS textbook.

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