blackmagic01021 -2 Light Poster

I am trying to develop a digital map based on the vehicle inertial sensor information. The Map output will be a road course shape on which the vehicle traveled. The map will be based on a fixed reference point. I have speed, yaw rate and time related information.

what I tried to do is this----

yaw_angle=m_f32_yaw_rate_s* delta_time*0.0174532;
							distance_x_direction= linear_distance*cos(yaw_angle);
							distance_y_direction= linear_distance*sin(yaw_angle);


							coordinate_virtual_dm_source .push_back(temp_keep_2);

The value temp_keep_2 contains the X and Y which corrosponds to the Vertical and perpendicula distance from a fixed point, like (0,0).

But I think it is wrong. I am not getting expected values.

Any ideas?

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