I have a couple of queries in a union all that need to get all records, some from the first where clause, and everything else in the other.

Here is the original where clause:

from license_status ls, pos_driver pd, pos_policy pp
where pp.pos_id = @pos_id
and pd.pos_id = pp.pos_id
and pd.driver_number = @driver
and ls.company = pp.company
and ls.license_state = pd.license_state

I have added a few additional elements to limit records to the state of washington, for a particular company, and a specific answer to a question.

Here is the new one:

from license_status ls, pos_driver pd, pos_policy pp, pos_answers pa
where pp.pos_id = @pos_id
and pp.policy_state = 'WA'
and pp.company = 5
and pd.pos_id = pp.pos_id
and pd.driver_number = @driver
and ls.company = pp.company
and ls.license_state = pd.license_state
and pp.pos_id = pa.pos_id
and pa.question_number = 8
and pa.yes_no = 'YES'

So now I need to rewrite the original where clause to get all the records this new where clause excludes. I started by adding this:
and pp.policy_state = 'WA'
But realized there would be some policies in WA that did not meet the other criteria.

So how do I go about this without writing a ton of permutations to get all the possibilities?


I think for simplification make a generic view then apply filter on the view. Hope it will ease your query.

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