Hi all,

Ok, first I'll let you know that I am very new to databases and scripting languages, so my questions are very elementary. I have read a book on the SQL language as well as a book on PHP basics, but I have no idea where to get started.

How do I setup MySQL to work on my computer? I am trying to start off with somthing simple; First, I would like to learn how to get a PHP script to communicate with a local MySQL database.

What is the purpose of PHP admin? And why do so many people use it? Aren't databases supposed to be give and recieve data from an application or script? Then why would I need php admin?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, but please try to keep it simple for me because I quite a beginner.



I think you'll find my WAMP HOWTO answers most of those questions. It is complete with PHP code examples to connect to your database.

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